
OpenControl Database

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ATO Pathways

Docker Repository on Quay

Quick Demo

  • run demo in container
podman run -it -p "3000:3000" quay.io/redhatgov/ocdb

Developer Setup

  • install golang dnf install golang libxml2-devel
  • acquire ocdb - go get -u -v github.com/RedHatGov/ocdb
  • change dir to the source location - cd ~/go/src/github.com/RedHatGov/ocdb
  • acquire buffallo tool - go get -v github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/buffalo
  • build front-end pipeline
    • install npm dnf install -y npm
    • install yarn npm install -g yarn
    • install frontend dependencies yarn install
  • run server buffalo dev
  • point your browser to

Developer Links

Deployment info

How to pull new version manually in openshift?

    oc import-image ocdb