
A small, fast, cross-platform, async Zig networking framework built on top of lithdew/pike.

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT


A small, fast, cross-platform, async Zig networking framework built on top of lithdew/pike.

It automatically handles:

  1. buffering/framing data coming in and out of a socket,
  2. managing the lifecycle of incoming / outgoing connections, and
  3. representing a singular Client / Server as a bounded adaptive pool of outgoing / incoming connections.

It also allows you to specify:

  1. how messages are framed (\n suffixed to each message, message length prefixed to each message, etc.),
  2. a sequence of steps to be performed before successfully establishing a connection (a handshake protocol), and
  3. an upper bound to the maximum number of connections a Client / Server may pool in total.


In your build.zig:

const std = @import("std");

const Builder = std.build.Builder;

const pkgs = struct {
    const pike = std.build.Pkg{
        .name = "pike",
        .path = "pike/pike.zig",

    const snow = std.build.Pkg{
        .name = "snow",
        .path = "snow/snow.zig",
        .dependencies = &[_]std.build.Pkg{

pub fn build(b: *Builder) void {
    // Given a build step...


Applications written with snow provide a Protocol implementation which specifies how message are encoded / decoded into frames.

Helpers (io.Reader / io.Writer) are provided to assist developers in specifying how frame encoding / decoding is to be performed.

Given a Protocol implementation, a Client / Server may be instantiated.

Here is an example of a Protocol that frames messages based on an End-of-Line character ('\n') suffixed at the end of each message:

const std = @import("std");
const snow = @import("snow");

const mem = std.mem;

const Protocol = struct {
    const Self = @This();

    // This gets called right before a connection is marked to be successfully established!
    // Unlike the rest of the callbacks below, 'socket' is a raw 'pike.Socket'. Feel free to
    // read / write as much data as you wish, or to return an error to prevent a connection
    // from being marked as being successfully established.
    // Rather than 'void', snow.Options.context_type may be set and returned from 'handshake'
    // to bootstrap a connection with additional fields and methods under 'socket.context'.
    pub fn handshake(self: *Self, comptime side: snow.Side, socket: anytype) !void {
        return {};

    // This gets called before a connection is closed!
    pub fn close(self: *Self, comptime side: snow.Side, socket: anytype) void {
        return {};

    // This gets called when a connection's resources is ready to be de-allocated!
    // A slice of remaining items in the socket's write queue is passed to purge() to be
    // optionally deallocated.
    pub fn purge(self: *Self, comptime side: snow.Side, socket: anytype, items: []const []const u8) void {
        return {};

    // This gets called when data is ready to be read from a connection!
    pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime side: snow.Side, socket: anytype, reader: anytype) !void {
        while (true) {
            const line = try reader.readLine();
            defer reader.shift(line.len);

            // Do something with the frame here!

    // This gets called when data is queued and ready to be encoded and written to
    // a connection!
    // Rather than '[]const u8', custom message types may be set to be queuable to the
    // connections write queue by setting snow.Options.message_type.
    pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime side: snow.Side, socket: anytype, writer: anytype, items: [][]const u8) !void {
        for (items) |message| {
            if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, message, '\n') != null) {
                return error.UnexpectedDelimiter;

            const frame = try writer.peek(message.len + 1);
            mem.copy(u8, frame[0..message.len], message);
            frame[message.len..][0] = '\n';

        try writer.flush();


A Client comprises of a bounded adaptive pool of outgoing connections that are to be connected to a single IPv4/IPv6 endpoint.

When writing a message to an endpoint with a Client, a connection is initially grabbed from the pool. The message is then queued to be written to the connection's underlying socket.

A policy is specified for selecting which connection to grab from a Client's pool. The policy goes as follows:

There exists a configurable maximum number of connections that may belong to a Client's pool (defaulting to 16). If all existing connections in a Client's pool contain queued messages that have yet to be flushed and written, a new connection is created and registered to the pool up to a maximum number of connections.

If the pool's maximum number of connections limit is reached, the connection in the pool with the smallest number of queued messages is returned. Otherwise, a new connection is created and registered to the pool and returned.


A Server comprises of a bounded adaptive pool of incoming connections accepted from a single bounded IPv4/IPv6 endpoint. There exists a configurable maximum number of connections that may belong to a Server's pool (defaulting to 128).

Should an incoming connection be established and the pool underlying a Server appears to be full, the connection will be declined and de-initialized.


All sockets comprise of two coroutines: a reader coroutine, and a writer coroutine. The reader and writer coroutine are responsible for framing and buffering messages received from / written to a single socket instance, and for executing logic specified under a Protocol implementation.

An interesting detail to note is that the writer coroutine is entirely lock-free.


snow was written with performance in mind: zero heap allocations occur in all hot paths. Heap allocations only ever occur when establishing a new incoming / outgoing connection.

All other underlying components are stack-allocated and recycled as much as possible.