
Sample project for the BDD Masterclass workshop

Primary LanguageJava

BDD In Action Online Banking Sample Project


This sample project is used as part of the BDD/TDD Masterclass run by John Ferguson Smart. It is a simple application that simulates the core of an online banking system.

The project uses Maven 3 or Gradle, Java 8, Cucumber JVM and Spock. You will only need to install Java 8 and Maven 3 - the other dependencies will be downloaded as part of the build process. You will also need Git and a GitHub account, both to clone the repository and to navigate between different exercises. If you are new to Git and GitHub, we recommend the Github Desktop application.

Setting up the project

To get started, clone this project either from the command line or via your Git client:

git clone git@github.com:wakaleo/serenity-bank.git

If you have Maven installed on the command line, you can run the following command in the serenity-bank directory:

mvn verify

If you are using Gradle, you can run the following command in the serenity-bank directory:

gradle test aggregate

Both of these commands will run all of the tests as part of the build. To run the tests individually, just run mvn verify or gradle test. This will generate a Serenity BDD report in the target/site/serenity directory.

Now import the project into your favorite IDE. We recommend IntelliJ Idea because of it's excellent built-in Groovy and Cucumber support. If you are using Intellij, follow the following instructions to get the best user experience for this project.

Import the project using File...New...Project from Existing Sources... and select the serenity-bank folder. Choose Import from Existing Model, and select Maven. Then step through the instructions to create the project in IntelliJ. It may take some time the first time to import the Maven dependencies.

Once the project is imported, open the src/test folder and mark the groovy directory as a Test Root directory:

Define a Test Source Root

To benefit from the full IntelliJ support for Cucumber, you will need to open a feature file like the one shown here and click on the link to Install or Enable the Gherkin plugin:

Activate the Gherkin plugin

Each branch of the project represents an exercise that is done as part of the workshop.