Join-CSObject may cause an MV object to become orphaned
swarlyru opened this issue · 5 comments
I have used Join-csobject to join metaverse object and csobject in adma:
Join-CSObject -MVObjectType person -CSObject $cs -MVObjectID $mv.ID
The error is generated on the powershel console:
Join-CSObject : Exception from HRESULT: 0x80230232
At line:1 char:1
- Join-CSObject -MVObjectType person -CSObject $cs -MVObjectID $mv.ID
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Join-CSObject], MiiserverException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Lithnet.Miiserver.Client.MiiserverException,Lithnet.Miiserver.Automation.JoinCSObject
Now the MV object used is not exist on metaverse and each time i do a sync, no matter it is a Full or Delta, an unexpected-error occuring on the Sync Service manager...
How can this be resolved?
The version of IDM is 4.1.3766
@swarlyru can you send me the output of the following command immediately after getting the Powershell error? This will give us the full error message returned from the sync engine.
Can you run the following command, where $cs is your connector space object you get with a Get-CSObject command.
$cs.GetOuterXml() | clip
This will copy a bunch of XML to the clipboard that you can either paste here, or if the XML contains information that you'd rather not post publicly, then you can email me directly at
Here it is, I have sent it to your email (from let me know if you received it.
Thx in advance.
I had this same type of issue happen to me, however no error was thrown after the powershell command was run. I just noticed the MV object was no longer accessible in the sync admin tool. It was in the sync DB, but all attributes except object type had pretty much been NULL'd.
This is due to specifing the wrong object type (or incorrect casing of the object type) for the MVObjectType parameter. We need to check to make sure it is valid before we commit to the metaverse