- 1
Occurred spelt incorrectly in Error Object
#41 opened by phwass - 3
COM class factory for remote component with CLSID {XXXXXXXXX-8731-4159-8BFF-XXX} from machine MIMServer
#39 opened by srinivasyk - 2
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- 8
get-disconnectors or get-pendingexportdeletes running incredibly slow on some MIM management agent while fast on another
#33 opened by PKreyerhoff - 2
Disconnect-CSObject when MV Object is missing
#32 opened by jgreenephd - 2
- 1
- 1
Get-SavedRunHistory returns no objects
#27 opened by ssg47 - 6
- 1
The term 'export-fimconfig' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program
#25 opened by majdandoni - 3
- 2
Set-MVProvisioningRulesExtension does not manage declarative provisioning
#16 opened by KentNordstrom - 1
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- 1
Using Get-CSObject command with non hierarchical MA for retrieving all objects
#20 opened by AnabelMaz - 8
Management Agent not found Scheduled Task
#24 opened by rschre - 1
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- 2
When try to Get-CSObject using -ID, get error of value does not fall within the expected range
#15 opened by kcheng-didata - 1
Import MA from File
#14 opened by juancarloscanto - 3
- 2
Windows SmartScreen blocks release download
#12 opened by JayVDZ - 6
New-MVQuery to support search of object class
#10 opened by dminnelli - 4
- 3
- 3
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- 1
New-MVQuery only supports 'text' Operators (Equals, Contains, NotContains, IsPresent, IsNotPresent, StartsWith, EndsWith)
#2 opened by darrenjrobinson - 3
Can this work on Adconnect?
#3 opened by turbomcp - 3