
Update definitions and utilities for AirMessage

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AirMessage update generator utility

This is a utility that combines data from user-editable configuration files, and combines them to an optimized JSON file.

This output format is used on AirMessage Server 4.0+.

Usage instructions

An example of the file hierarchy consumed and generated by the program is this:

- input
    - stable
        - update.yaml
        - notes-en.md
        - notes-fr.md
    - beta
        - update.yaml
        - notes-en.md
        - notes-fr.md
- output
    - stable.json
    - beta.json

In the input folder, each subfolder represents an update channel, that will generate the corresponding channelname.json file in the output folder.

In each channel folder, the update.yaml is read, converted to JSON, and written to the output JSON file.

notes-(lang).ext files are read, and merged into the output JSON file like so:

	"notes": {
		"lang": "(language code from file name)",
		"message": "(file content as text)"

Program information

The source code for the program is in the generator directory. Compile and run with no arguments.