- 0
When a project doesn't exist, an error occurs
#264 opened by kwx4957 - 1
- 2
Litmusctl version command does not work
#240 opened by shivam-Purohit - 4
Introduce Homebrew for Mac OS user
#205 opened by namkyu1999 - 3
Pre-commit permission
#211 opened by shivam-Purohit - 0
Add Issue and pull request templates
#235 opened by andoriyaprashant - 4
litmusctl 1.5.0 connect chaos-infra failed with openshift using namespace installation mode
#225 opened by dariolstella - 0
- 1
ChaosCenter version: 3.6.1 is not compatible with the installed LitmusCTL version: 1.5.0
#224 opened by dariolstella - 0
Add `cacert` option to `.litmusconfig`
#226 opened by alininja - 6
Refactor the update command
#212 opened by shivam-Purohit - 2
graphql server encountered a runtime error
#216 opened by dongdorrong - 9
- 10
Get chaos environments command
#164 opened by SarthakJain26 - 0
- 1
litmusctl upgrade chaos-delegate fails with configmaps "agent-config" not found
#115 opened by aslafy-z - 1
- 1
connect chaos-delegate
#137 opened by Subetov - 1
support --workflow-name filter at litmusctl get chaos-scenario-runs command
#123 opened by djocraveiro - 6
- 4
Argument to pass the namespace
#188 opened by uvinduperera - 3
Automate tests in pre-commit hook script.
#196 opened by shivam-Purohit - 2
- 1
- 2
Broken dependencies on master
#186 opened by shivam-Purohit - 1
- 0
Resolve staticcheck warnings
#190 opened by deep-poharkar - 1
--output=json does not print json format
#192 opened by braiamdev - 0
Out of bound error in get projects command
#183 opened by shivam-Purohit - 2
BUG: Unable to create project when using `litmusctl` with latest (`v3.0.0`) version of Litmus
#161 opened by smitthakkar96 - 7
litmusctl 0.22 is incompatible with ChaosCenter 2.14
#157 opened by johnny - 11
- 0
- 1
support --workflow-name argument at litmusctl create chaos-scenario command
#122 opened by djocraveiro - 0
How to use the config file to provide parameters for the command: litmusctl connect chaos-delegate --config config.yaml
#129 opened by 1180300723xiangwenqi - 0
- 2
- 1
Litmusctl should check existence of workflow name before scheduling & add the same if not present already
#116 opened by Jonsy13 - 3
Make scenario parsing logic for `litmsuctl create scenario` command independent of `install-chaos-experiments` step
#113 opened by Jonsy13 - 0
missing imagePullSecrets when using custom private image registry
#110 opened by bingwei-hong-partior - 1
Display the reason for litmus create agent failure
#109 opened by vamsiammineni - 0
Issues when reconnect a delegate
#107 opened by bingwei-hong-partior - 1
- 8
Litmusctl Self-Signed Certificate Endpoint
#45 opened by yildirima - 5
Can't run litmusctl config set-account with a certificate signed by unknown authority
#42 opened by luigi-bitonti - 7
Unable to run litmusctl.exe in windows
#24 opened by kiranreddyamk - 3
Support for KUBECONFIG env var
#28 opened by h4wkmoon