
Renamed Master Accordion WordPress Plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Master Accordion ===
Contributors: litonice13, jwthemeltd
Donate link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jeweltheme
Tags: accordion, toggle, collapse content, WordPress FAQ, Frequently asked questions,WordPress Plugin
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable tag: 4.2.0
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Best WordPress Accordion Plugin for WordPress. Master Accordion re-branded with lots new features and customization options

== Description ==

No need extra configurations for WP Awesome FAQ Plugin. WP Awesome FAQ Plugin allows to create unlimited FAQ Items with Title, Description. With the plugin installation's a Custom Post Type named "FAQ" will be created automatically. To show all FAQ's items a shortcode ***[faq]*** needed. 
Just crate a page for your FAQ section and update the page. If you want to show Category based Shortcodes Go To>>FAQ Category and you will see Shotcodes like [faq cat_id="8"] , this is the shortcode you need to place where you want to show the FAQ.

= Features Included =
* WP Awesome FAQ Plugin includes- Title, Description.
* No Post Description Limits.
* Category Shortcode based FAQ (very much requested feature !!!).
* Window Resize Auto Height.
* FAQ Settings Options Added like - Close All, Open All and 1st Item Open.
* Many more settings are comming!!!

Installation Video Tutorial:
Use ***[faq]*** shortcode on your post/page you want to show.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R-9s1pm9ko]

= About the Author =
A product by Jewel Theme [WordPress Team](https://jeweltheme.com).

= Problems and Support =
To get faster response You can drop a topic in our website [Direct Support Forum Topic](https://jeweltheme.com/contact). If you have any query about WP Awesome FAQ Plugin then please check our [F.A.Q](http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-awesome-faq/faq/). 

= Comments, Feedback and Request Features =
Please give your valueable suggestions, comments, and feedbacks about this plugin or, any ideas about WordPress Plugin just drop a [message to us](https://jeweltheme.com/contact). We are waiting for hearing from you!!!

== Installation ==

*  From WordPress Dashboard go to "Plugins>> Add New>> Uploads", select 'wp-awesome-faq.zip' file and upload it. Or,
*  Extract the zip file, copy and paste to the 'wp-conten/plugins/' directory of your WordPress Installation. 
*  Activate the plugin.
*  Create a new page named it "FAQ". In the Editor place this shortcode [faq]
* To show all FAQ's items a shortcode [faq] needed, just crate a page for your FAQ section and update the page. If you want to show Category based Shortcodes Go To>>FAQ Category and you will see Shotcodes like [faq cat_id="8"] , this is the shortcode you need to place where you want to show the FAQ.

Installation Video Tutorial:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R-9s1pm9ko]

### Liked wp-awesome-faq Plugins?
Rate us on [WordPress Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-awesome-faq/reviews/#new-post) πŸ™‚

== Support ==
[Support Forum](https://jeweltheme.com/contact/)
[Pre-Sale Questions](https://jeweltheme.com/contact/)

== βœ‹Want More - ==

If you like our wp-awesome-faq plugin then why not check some other plugins that developed by us:

πŸš€ [WP Adminify:](https://wordpress.org/plugins/adminify/) - The best WordPress Dashboard Customization plugin available in the market. With this plugin you will get 18+ modules like Dark Mode, Menu Editor, Folders, Dashboard Widget Manager, Login Customizer, Admin Columns, Activity Logs and many more.

πŸš€ [Master Blocks:](https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-blocks-for-gutenberg/) - "Master Blocks" is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance the functionality of the Gutenberg block editor. With this plugin, users can unlock a wide range of new blocks, offering greater flexibility and creativity when designing and customising their website's content.

πŸš€ [Master Addons:](https://wordpress.org/plugins/master-addons/) - One of the best Elementor Addon plugin that packed with 70+ elements and extensions. You will get all essential elements to design any type Website.

πŸš΄πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ [Image Comparison for Elementor:](https://wordpress.org/plugins/image-comparison-elementor-addon/) - This plugin dedicatedly made for image comparison element. You will get a multiple variation for image comparison. Showcase your before after work easily with the help of this plugin.

🍑 [Master Accordion:](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-awesome-faq/) - If you are a default WordPress user and need a proper accordion plugin then Master Accordion is for you. You can add as much accordion as you need in multiple way.

πŸ• [WordPress prettyPhoto:](https://wordpress.org/plugins/prettyphoto/) - This plugin helps you to enable lightbox for your any media file, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax. Just enable PreetyPhoto in your desired media file and you are done.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does WP Awesome FAQ Plugin supports filtering Items? =

Yes it does. Items are filterable multiple items in descending order.

= Does WP Awesome FAQ Plugin supports shortcodes? =

Yes, you need a shortcodes [jw_faq] to use WP Awesome FAQ Plugin Plugin.

= Does WP Awesome FAQ Plugin items supports paginations? =

We are working on it, In next version we will include the pagination.

== Screenshots ==

1. FAQ Posts lists
2. Front End FAQ Output
3. FAQ's by Category
4. Category added Shortcode FAQ's by ID
5. Editor Button FAQ
6. Popup Editor FAQ Button
7. FAQ Settings. Options Added: Close All, Open All and 1st Item Open.

== Changelog ==
= 4.2.0 (24-08-2022)=
* Updated: WordPress 6.3 compatibility checked and fixed bugs

= 4.1.7(1-10-2020) =
* Fixed: Premium codes not working on backend issue fixed
* Fixed: Settings fields updated
* Fixed: JS conflicts/not clicking issue fixed
* Fixed: Heading underline text decoration issue fixed

= 4.1.6 =
* Fixed: `< class="panel-title">` accordion title problem fixed

= 4.1.5 =
* Removed: Paypal Donation link removed
* Added: Elementor support
* Added: Classic Editor Support given 
* Added: Gutenberg Support given 
* Added: Re-designed Shortcode Generator - Classic Editor
* Added: Gutenberg Block ( Master FAQ Accordion)
* Added: Custom Elementor blocks(Master Accordion Addon)
* Added: Supports Nested FAQ
* Added: Drag & Drop Sorting FAQ Items
* Updated: Translation ready
* Added: Heading Tags Selection
* Added: FAQ by Category
* Added: FAQ by Tags
* Added: Accordion/Toogle Type
* Added: Single FAQ Template
* Added: Open/Close Icon Settings
* Added: Individual Open/Close Icon Settings
* Added: Icon Alignment(Left/Right) Settings
* Added: Collapse/Open Style(1st Open, Close All, Open All) Settings
* Added: Title Heading Selection Settings
* Added: Title Color Settings
* Added: Individual Title Color Settings
* Added: Title Background Settings
* Added: Individual Title Background Settings
* Added: Content Background Settings
* Added: Individual Content Background Settings

= 4.1.4 =
* Elementor Support and Master Addons for Elementor Support given

= 4.1.2 =
* Fixed "Array to Sting Conversion" error.
* Improved FAQ's Usability

= 2.0.0 =
* FAQ Design Changed
* Editor FAQ Button Added
* Category FAQ's on Editor by ID added
* CSS bugs fixed

= 1.9.0 =
* Donate URL Changed

= 1.8.0 =
* Category Shortcode On same page displaying as simple text problem fixed.

= 1.7.0 =
* Fixed CSS Issue with different Themes.

= 1.6.0 =
* Ordering problem and "No FAQ" problem fixed.

= 1.5.0 =
* Content Auto Paragraph problem fixed
* Added specific Category Shortcode 
* Shortcode is more powerful then before
* Added "Category Shotcode" Manage column in FAQ Category

= 1.4.3 =
* Shortcode content alignment fixed.

= 1.4.2 =
* Changed [jw_faq] shortode to [faq] Shortcode
* Insert contents above the shortcode problem fixed

= 1.4.1 =
* Updated with admin notices.
* CSS bugs fixed.
= 1.4.0 =
* Post Limit 5 to unlimited.
= 1.3 =
* Important issues update - crash jQuery websites.
* Video added for installation
= 1.2 =
* FAQ Category Filter Option added.
* Window size auto height resolved.
= 1.1 =
* Resolved auto collapse FAQ.
= 1.0 =
* Initial Release

== Upgrade Notice ==