
Sample project showing problems when using instrumented tests with "Test storage" on multiple "managed devices"

Primary LanguageKotlin

This is a sample project showing problems when using instrumented tests with "Test storage" on multiple "managed devices"

Given the following definition of 2 managed devices:

testOptions {
    managedDevices {
        devices {
            create<ManagedVirtualDevice>("phone").apply {
                device = "Pixel 2"
                apiLevel = 30
                systemImageSource = "aosp-atd"
            create<ManagedVirtualDevice>("tablet").apply {
                device = "Pixel Tablet"
                apiLevel = 30
                systemImageSource = "aosp-atd"

Given a dependency on androidTestUtil("androidx.test.services:test-services:1.4.2")

Given an instrumentation test that takes a screenshot:

class ScreenshotsTest {

    val rule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()

    fun mainScreen() {


When you comment out the definition of the "tablet" device and run ./gradlew clean phoneDebugAndroidTest you end up with 1 screenshot in the app/build/outputs/managed_device_android_test_additional_output/debug/phone folder. The screenshot has the dimension of a phone. This is expected.

When you comment out the definition of the "phone" device and run ./gradlew clean tabletDebugAndroidTest you end up with 1 screenshot in the app/build/outputs/managed_device_android_test_additional_output/debug/tablet folder. The screenshot has the dimension of a tablet. This is expected.

When you execute ./gradlew clean allDevicesAndroidTest, two tests are executed:

> Task :app:tabletDebugAndroidTest
Starting 1 tests on tablet

> Task :app:phoneDebugAndroidTest
Starting 1 tests on phone

> Task :app:mergeDebugAndroidTestTestResultProtos
Test execution completed. See the report at: file:///home/litrik/git/MultipleManagedDevices/app/build/reports/androidTests/managedDevice/debug/allDevices/index.html

Unfortunately, only 1 screenshot ends up in the app/build/outputs/managed_device_android_test_additional_output/debug folder. It has the dimensions of a phone, yet it is stored in the tablet subfolder.

I would expect to get 2 screenshots: 1 of a phone in the phone subfolder and 1 of a tablet in the tablet subfolder.