A daemon for EMON files automation seeking and processing by pyedp tool
edpd build up
- Download and install the latest go lang package from https://golang.org/dl/.
- Download source codes, go to source code's directory and run windows cmd : go build -ldflags="-s -w"
Hardware requirments:
- Windows host with MS office or Linux.
- At least 4G memory for each hyper-threads.
edpd setup
- Copy edpd.exe to the EDP's directory on the edpd host.
- Make a new direcotry for Emon data files, for example: c:\emon-data.
- Run windows command: edpd -emon c:\emon-data
- To sharing the service, you may set the c:\emon-data as a windows share folder
Emon data requiremts
- 3 files must be containded by each of the emon data folder: emon.dat, emon-v.dat, emon-m.dat.
- Following the limitations from excel, the file emon.dat had better less than 200M.
About EDPD_LOCK file
- When Emon data was on processing or process finished, is the same folder, there was a file named EDPD_LOCK.
- Under windows, when Emon data processed, an other edpd_summary.xlsx file will exist in the Emon data's folder.
- Archive feature enable system create a zip files for all emon raw data after processing finished.