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[ amcsh ] - A More Comfortable SHell
by t57root @ openwill.me
<t57root@gmail.com> www.HackShell.net
- Full pty support: VIM, SSH, readline
- Authentication support: pre-shared password / one-time password(based on google authenticator)
- Reverse connection / Bind port
- Fake argv: Fake CMD in ps,netstat
###Help Message:
- Configure:
All configurable variables can be found in amcsh.h.
Check HOWTO.md for more details.
- Compile:
Run "make" to compile amcsh and obtain executables.
- Usage:
./client {listen|connect} ip port
[listen]: Listen at ip:port for connection as a server (Reverse connection mode)
[connect]: Connect to ip:port as a client (Bind port mode)