
[production] Magento pure CSS3 Slider (Magento 1)

Primary LanguagePHP


So far tested on Magento ver. only.

  • Copy the files into your Magento file system

  • Load any amount of images of the same size into

  • Add text for sliders if needed: System - Configuration - CSSSlidy

  • Change CSS for slider and captions in skin css, if needed

  • Display slider as a block in CMS pages

    {{block type="CSSSlidy_Slider/render"}}

If you cannot save config setting (Error 404) Log out and in again and flush Magento cache.


All images in media/cssslidy/slider will be automatically added into slider

Get all base media url /cssslidy/slider
Get all filenames for some image extensions
Get public urls of all these and flush them into css div
Render the div with the links
append javascript to create the CSS3
Flush this as a custom block in CMS .. and?

###To be done

  • FireFox - empty bgox when no text?
  • integration? only {{block}}?
  • Pictures via admin backend
  • Test it


  • Image captions
  • Admin Backend
  • created template / block
  • crerated layout to flush js into footer block
  • pic search in model
    extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
  • model called from block (PHP)

###Based on / Links

Inner JS originally published here
Docs Magento