
my dotfiles for theming

Primary LanguageLua


Dotfiles for the first time MacOS Theming posted by u/litszwaiboris

If you have any questions or problems encountered in the ricing process, feel free to ask me in Issues




This set of dotfiles requires the packages below:

  • Sketchybar (Bar)
  • Yabai (Window Manager)
  • Nerd Font (MesloLGS) (Font that I used)
  • SF Symbols (Partial Icons)
  • skhd (Shortcuts)


Clone this repository to anywhere and run install.sh and it will automatically require your sudo password and install all the packages, apply needed configuration to your computer, and install the rice to your computer!

Advanced Customization

You can customize this rice for yourself!

Workspace indicators ~/.config/sketchybarrc/sketchybarrc:

  • line 40, 41, 43, 176 (first desktop)
  • line 51, 52, 54, 177 (second desktop)
  • line 62, 63, 65, 178 (third desktop)
  • line 73, 74, 76, 179 (fourth desktop)
  • line 84, 85, 87, 180 (fifth desktop)

If you want to add workspaces:

First, Copy and replace [REPLACE_THIS!!!!] as your workspace name in all sections in ~/.config/sketchybarrc/sketchybarrc.

Second, replace [ICON_OF_YOUR_LIKING] as your icon and name that you like, check out either SF Symbols software in your mac or the nerd font cheat sheet for icons.

Third, replace the number after click_script="yabai -m space --focus " as the workspace number.

              --add space [REPLACE_THIS!!!!] left \
              --set [REPLACE_THIS!!!!] associated_display=1 \
                         associated_space=5 \
                         icon="[ICON_OF_YOUR_LIKING]" \
			 icon.padding_left=10 \
			 icon.padding_right=10 \
                         click_script="yabai -m space --focus 5" \
                         background.color=0xffD8DEE9 \
                         background.drawing=off \
              --subscribe misc mouse.entered mouse.exited \

Fourth, find the below section near the end of ~/.config/sketchybarrc/sketchybarrc and replace [REPLACE_THIS!!!!] as the name of your workspace.

sketchybar -m --add bracket primary_spaces web \
                                            social \
                                            dev \
                                            gaming \
                                            misc \
                                            [REPLACE_THIS!!!!] \

If you want to delete one of the workspaces:

  • line 51-61 (second desktop)
  • line 62-72 (third desktop)
  • line 72-83 (fourth desktop)
  • line 84-94 (fifth desktop)

Icons for plugins:

Spotify Player ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/music.sh

  • line 36 (Spotify running)
  • line 41 (Spotify closed)

Wifi ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/net.sh

  • line 6 (wifi enabled and on)
  • line 10 (wifi disabled)

Volume ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/volume.sh

  • inside case and esac start from 5 to 16 (volume icon)

Date and time ~/.config/sketchybar/sketchybarrc

  • line 130 (icon)

Battery ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/power.sh

  • line 12 (charging icon)
  • inside case and esac start from line 19 to 30 (normal icon)