
Functions for transforming readonly maps

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

🧊 Remap

A module for transforming read-only maps in Roblox TypeScript. Intended for using ReadonlyMap in a state manager like Reflex.

All functions assume the map is immutable, and will return a new map if changes are made. Some functions will return the original map if a change is not necessary.

📦 Installation

npm install @rbxts/remap
pnpm add @rbxts/remap
yarn add @rbxts/remap

🔎 Example

import Remap from "@rbxts/remap";

let map = new ReadonlyMap<string, number>();

map = Remap.assign(map, { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }, { baz: Remap.None });
map = Remap.delete(map, "foo");
map = Remap.set(map, "baz", 3);


set(object, key, value)

function set<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, key: K, value: V): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.set(map, "foo", 1); // { foo: 1 }

Sets the value at key to value.

delete(object, key)

function delete<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, key: K): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.delete(map, "foo"); // deletes the entry at "foo"

Deletes the entry with the given key from the map.

deleteValue(object, value)

function deleteValue<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, value: V): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.deleteValue(map, 1); // deletes the entry with the value 1

Deletes the entry with the given value from the map.

update(object, key, updater)

function update<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, key: K, updater: (value?: V) => V | undefined): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.update(map, "foo", (value = 0) => value + 1); // adds 1 to the value at "foo"

Updates the value at key with the result of updater. Returning undefined from updater will delete the entry.

map(object, updater)

function map<K, V, R>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, updater: (value: V, key: K) => R | undefined): ReadonlyMap<K, R>;

Remap.map(map, (value, key) => value + 1); // adds 1 to each value

Updates each entry in the map with the result of updater. Returning undefined from updater will delete the entry.

filter(object, predicate)

function filter<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, predicate: (value: V, key: K) => boolean): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.filter(map, (value, key) => value > 1); // removes values less than 1

Deletes all entries from the map for which predicate returns false.

reduce(object, reducer, initialValue)

function reduce<K, V, R>(
	object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
	reducer: (accumulator: R, value: V, key: K) => R,
	initialValue: R,
): R;

Remap.reduce(map, (accumulator, value, key) => accumulator + value, 0); // sum of values

Reduces the map to a single value using reducer. The result of each call to reducer is passed as the first argument to the next call.

assign(object, ...sources)

function assign<K, V>(map: ReadonlyMap<K, V | None>, ...sources: ReadonlyMap<K, V | None>[]): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.assign(map, { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }, { baz: Remap.None }); // { foo: 1, bar: 2 }

Returns a new map with the keys and values from sources merged into map. Use the Remap.None symbol to mark a value for deletion.

If the key is a string, number, or symbol, you may pass objects to ...sources instead of maps.


function clone<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>): Map<K, V>;

Remap.clone(map).set("foo", 1);

Returns a mutable shallow copy of the map.


function clear<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>): Map<K, V>;

Remap.clear(map).set("foo", 1);

Returns an empty writable map of the same type as object.

omit(object, ...keys)

function omit<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, ...keys: K[]): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.omit(map, "foo", "bar"); // { baz: 3 }

Returns a subset of the map excluding the keys specified.

pick(object, ...keys)

function pick<K, V>(object: ReadonlyMap<K, V>, ...keys: K[]): ReadonlyMap<K, V>;

Remap.pick(map, "foo", "bar"); // { foo: 1, bar: 2 }

Returns a subset of the object with only the keys specified.

📄 License

Remap is available under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.