
Creates a random access storage instance from a given input.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Creates a random-access-storage instance from a given input.


$ npm install random-access-storage-from --save


const storage = from(input[, optsOrEncoding])
const from = require('random-access-storage-from')

// get a 'random-access-memory' instance
const memory = from(Buffer.from('hello'))

// get a 'random-access-file' instance
const file = from('./path/to/file')

// get a 'random-access-http' instance
const http = from('https://example.com/example.txt')


The following section documents the API for the various expressions that can be used with the from(...) function exported by this module. The intent of the function is to return an object that is or is compatible with a random-access-storage interface based on certain types of inputs like strings, buffer-like* (Buffer, ArrayBuffer Array, JSON parsed Buffer objects, etc) objects, and more.

The from(...) implementation uses a storage provider to provide instances to the caller based on input. By default file based input calls providers.file(), HTTP URL based input calls providers.http(), and memory based input calls providers.memory().

See Custom Providers for more information on creating and handling custom input.

from(filename[, opts])

Create a random-access-storage instance from filename and opts if filename points to a file. opts is passed directly to the providers.file(filename, opts) function. Callers should set opts.file to true to create a new file or if the calling environment is in a web browser.

const file = from('/path/to/file')
file.stat((err, stats) => {

from(url[, opts])

Create a random-access-storage instance from url and opts.

If url points to a HTTP resource, url and opts are passed directly to the providers.http(url, opts) function. Callers should ensure correct CORS headers are set if the calling environment is in a web browser.

If url contains the file: protocol and the pathame points to a local file, pathname and opts are passed directly to the providers.file(url, opts) function.

const file = from('https://example.com/example.txt')
file.read(0, 4, (err, buf) => {

file: based URLs to read a local file

const file = from('file:///home/user/example.txt')
file.read(0, 4, (err, buf) => {

from(string[, encoding = 'utf8'])

Create a random-access-storage instance from string and optional encoding. The providers.memory(buffer) function is called with string converted to a Buffer with encoding.

const store = from('hello')
store.read(0, 5, (err, buf) => {
  console.log(buf) // 'hello'

Or with an encoding

const store = from('68656c6c6f', 'hex')
store.read(0, 5, (err, buf) => {
  console.log(buf) // 'hello'


Create a random-access-storage instance from buffer. The providers.memory(buffer) function is called with buffer.

const store = from(Buffer.from('hello'))
store.read(0, 5, (err, buf) => {
  console.log(buf) // 'hello'

from(arrayBuffer[, opts])

Create a random-access-storage instance from arrayBuffer with optional opts where opts.byteOffset indicates the byte offset in the arrayBuffer and opts.length indicates the buffer length at opts.byteOffset. opts.byteOffset and opts.length are passed directly to Buffer.from(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length).

const crypto = require('crypto')

const bytes = crypto.randomBytes(64)
const shared = new SharedArrayBuffer(64)
const first = from(shared, { byteOffset: 0, length: 32)
const second = from(shared, { byteOffset: 32, length: 64)

// generate random bytes and copy into `shared`

first.read(0, 32, (err, buf) => {
  console.log(Buffer.compare(buf, bytes.slice(0, 32)))

second.read(0, 32, (err, buf) => {
  console.log(Buffer.compare(buf, bytes.slice(32, 64)))

from(factoryFunction[, opts])

Create a random-access-storage instance from factoryFunction with optional opts where factoryFunction is called with opts who's return value is immediately passed to the from() function with opts.

const ras = require('random-access-storage')
const ram = require('random-access-memory')

const store = from(plugin(ram())

function plugin(proxy) {
  return (opts) => {
    return ras({
      open: (req) => proxy.open(req),
      read: (req) => proxy.read(req),
      write: (req) => proxy.write(req),


Create a random-access-storage instance from storageInterface where storageInterface is passed directly to the random-access-storage factory function.

const buffer = Buffer.alloc(32)
const store = from({
  stat(req) {
    req.callback(null, { size: buffer.length })

  read(req) {
    req.callback(null, buffer.slice(req.offset, req.offset + req.size))

  write(req) {
    req.data.copy(buffer, req.offset)


Returns storageObject if storageObject is a random-access-storage instance.

const store = from(ram())


Top level object that defines built-in and custom provider functions for handling file, memory, http, and [custom URL protocol handlers)(#custom-providers).

Built-in providers, like file, memory, and http are used based on the input given to the from() function.

This section documents the providers and the modules they are based on.

See Custom Providers for more information on creating and handling custom input.


This provider handles file based input when from(...) is called with from(filename[, opts]) or from(url[,opts]) where the protocol in url is file:.

This provider uses the random-access-file module.


This provider handles file based input when from(...) is called with from(url[,opts]) where the protocol in url is http: or https:.

This provider uses the random-access-http module.


This provider handles memory based input when from(...) is called with from(string), from(buffer), from(arrayBuffer)

This provider uses the random-access-memory module.


This provider handles unknown or unhandled input and returns a default random-access-storage object.

from.providers.default is set to from.providers.memory by default, but can be configured to be any other random-access-storage compliant object.

Custom Providers

A custom random-access-storage provider implementation can be defined and used by defining the provider factory function on the from.providers object by name and using the from(url[, opts]) caller expression where the protocol in url matches the name defined in from.providers


The example below implements Data URIs (data:) as a custom provider to handle the data: protocol given in a URL using the data-urls module to provide a Buffer to the random-access-memory factory function constructor.

const parseDataURL = require('data-urls')
const from = require('random-access-storage-from')
const ram = require('random-access-memory')

from.providers.data = (uri, opts) => {
  const parsed = parseDataURL(uri)
  return ram(parsed.body)

Usage of the data: protocol can now be invoked from the from(url[, opts]) function.

const from = require('random-access-storage-from')

const body = Buffer.from('hello')
const uri = `data:text/plain;base64,${body.toString('base64')}`

const data = from(uri)
data.read(0, body.length, (err, buf) => {
  console.log(buf) // 'hello'
