
Demo project for a Spring Boot using Log4j2 and Elastic Stack

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


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This project is a simple scaffolding for a Spring Boot application that uses Log4j 2 for logging and Elastic Stack for processing log entries.

To learn how to set up a project like this one, check out the following posts:

Getting Started

To clone the repository, run in the command line:

$ git clone https://github.com/little-pinecone/spring-boot-log4j-2-scaffolding.git

You can build the application with:

$ mvn clean install

Spring security

The application uses Spring Boot security starter. The default credentials are specified in the application.properties file:

  • Useranme test
  • Password test

Monitoring Spring Boot with Actuator

After starting the Spring Boot app, you have to sign in:

login form

Now you can browse the enabled and exposed Actuator endpoints: info, health, metrics.

Run the Spring Boot app, Elastic Stack, Prometheus and Grafana

  • Run this application to make sure that the all.log file is created and not empty (more than one line is required).
  • Run the $ docker-compose up -d command in the project directory. The following services should be started:
IMAGE                                     PORTS                                            NAMES
elasticsearch:7.7.0        >9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                 springbootelasticstack_elasticsearch_1
logstash:7.7.0             >5044/tcp,>9600/tcp   springbootelasticstack_logstash_1
kibana:7.7.0               >5601/tcp                           springbootelasticstack_kibana_1
springbootelasticstack_filebeat                                                       springbootelasticstack_filebeat_1
springbootelasticstack_metricbeat                                                     springbootelasticstack_metricbeat_1
elastichq/elasticsearch-hq:latest>5000/tcp                           springbootelasticstack_elastichq_1
prom/prometheus            >9090/tcp                           springbootelasticstack_prometheus_1
grafana/grafana:7.1.3      >3000/tcp                           springbootelasticstack_grafana_1
springbootelasticstack_app >8080/tcp                           springbootelasticstack_app_1
  • Visit http://localhost:5000/#!/ to use ElastiHQ interface to verify the content send to Elasticsearch (run Query for the spring-boot-app-logs-YYYY.MM.dd index):


  • Visit http://localhost:5601/ to log in to Kibana:


  • Use the default username: elastic and password: test.
  • Create index defined in the logstash.conf file and browse logs accumulated in the logs/all.log file (the file is automatically created on the application startup):


  • Visit http://localhost:5601/app/monitoring to check out clusters monitoring:


Standalone cluster shows metrics for Filebeat, docker-cluster displays metrics for Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash:


You can also monitor the application state using Grafana:


Overview and technical features

  • Log4j 2 is used for logs processing.
  • The application uses the root logger and sends log entries to RollingFile and Console appenders (when you run the app, the logs directory will be created automatically).
  • After log entries had been processed by Filebeat and Logstash, they are send to ElasticSearch.
  • You can browse logs in Kibana.
  • You can browse Elastic Stack metrics in a Kibana dashboard.
  • You can monitor the Spring Boot app using Actuator endpoints.
  • You can monitor the Spring Boot app using the Prometheus or Grafana dashboards.
  • Project documentation

Built With


This project is licensed under the Unlicense - see the license details.