Clean Architecture - Zup Assessment

How it works:

1. Docker. First, you need to install docker

  • Then open the terminal and check:
docker info

or check docker version

docker -v

and docker compose version

docker-compose -v

2. Spring boot app

  • Clone the repository:
git clone http://link.git
  • Build the maven project:
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests

Run Spring Boot App & PostgreSQL

  • Build and Running the containers:

This command will build the docker containers and start them.

docker-compose up --build

Guide for using endpoints the app:

URL BASE =http://localhost:8080


  • POST request to /api/usuario/cadastrar with a object as JSON creates a new "Usuario";
  • POST request to /api/usuario/{usuarioId}/cadastrar-comic/{comicId} with a usuarioId and comidId creates a new Comic;
  • GET request to /api/usuario/consultar/{usuarioId} returns the "Usuario";

4. Docker control commands

  • Check all the images you have:
docker images

5. End stop app

  • Stop containers:
docker-compose down
  • Remove old stopped containers of docker-compose
docker-compose rm -f