
✍ JavaScript coding standards at littleBits

JavaScript Coding Standards


npm install --save-dev eslint-config-littlebits


littleBits writes a lot of JavaScript. We use ESLint to catch basic errors and enforce a coding style that we think optimizes modernity and clarity.

All projects by littleBits written in JavaScript should use the ESLint configuration found here. Any disagreements should be opened as Github Issues on this repo.


  1. Have ESLint integrated into your editor of choice.

  2. Do npm install --save-dev eslint-config-littlebits to bring the config into your project.

  3. Do echo 'extends: littlebits' > .eslintrc to apply this config to your project.


If your project has special needs you may apply project-specific overrides as documented here.

Versioning Policy

  • If new rules are added then release is considered breaking.

    • Unless the rule can be automatically fixed in which case the change should be considered non-breaking.

  • If new rules are removed then release is considered non-breaking.