
Replace res with 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 to get an image which has a maximum horizontal or vertical pixel count of the respective value.
Replace deviceKey1,1 with the device you want an image of, e.g. iPhone14,2 for iPhone 13 Pro. While the deviceKey is often identical to the device identifier, it is not always. Check appledb for the correct key.
Replace ext with the file format you want. The file formats available are png, webp and avif.

To get an image with dark mode, append _dark to the filename: /0_dark.png
To get a different colour, increment the number of the filename: /1.png

Example images,1/0.png

512x293, Space Grey, light mode

Medium resolution image of a Space Grey MacBook Air, Late 2020,2/3_dark.png

127x256, Sierra Blue, dark mode

Lower resolution image of a Sierra iPhone 13 Pro in dark mode