
Joomla! Content Plugin: Page Navigation With Titles

Primary LanguagePHP

Page Navigation With Titles

Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Mario Zimmermann mail@zisoft.de

This small plugin is an enhancement of the Joomla! navigation plugin. It replaces the previous/next navigation links by the titles of the corresponding articles.

Plugin Parameters

  • Turn on/off the left and right arrows (<,>)
  • Set custom text for the left and right arrows
  • Position of the navigation bar can be set to above, below or both
  • Configurable texts in front of the links
  • Configurable css class names

HTML Markup And css Styling

The navigation's HTML markup is built in the same way as the native Joomla navigation. The names of the css classes can be configured and are predefined for Joomla 2.5 so its styling should work right out-of-the box with your template. The pretexts in front of the links can be styled separately. The following markup and css classes are used:

<ul class="pagenav">
  <li class="pagenav-prev">
      <span class="pagenav-prev-arrow">left-arrow </span>
      <span class="pagenav-prev-pretext">pre-text (prev)</span>
      <span class="pagenav-title">prev link </span>
  <li class="pagenav-next">
      <span class="pagenav-next-pretext">pre-text (next)</span>
      <span class="pagenav-title">next link</span>
      <span class="pagenav-next-arrow">right-arrow</span>

NOTE -- there are no spaces between any of the spans. If you want space use :before or :after and content property or add padding accordingly.

css Example

ul.pagenav, ul.pagenav li {
  list-style: none; list-style-type:none; list-style-image: none;
  margin:0; padding:0; border: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 100%;
ul.pagenav {
  border-top:1px solid #606060;
  border-bottom:1px solid #606060;
ul.pagenav li.pagenav-prev { float: left; width:auto; }
ul.pagenav li.pagenav-next { float: right; width:auto; }