Python sample for blockchain application, thanks for thoughts and sample codes.
- Install Postman for debug
- Check python version is 3.X
- Install flask and other required packages
- Run command 'python -p 5000' to start the server, default port is 5000.
- Mine a new block: http://localhost:port/mine
- Display chains on current node: http://localhost:port/chain
- Register node (Because we don't implement a P2P protocal now, you need manually register your neigbours)
- Post: http://localhost:port/nodes/register
- Raw data: {"nodes": ["http://localhost:port"]}
- Content-Type: application/json
- Resolve conflicts and work on the longest chain: http://localhost:port/nodes/resolve
- Transaction (The transaction will be valid until be packaged to the block)
- Post: http://localhost:port/transaction/new
- Raw data: {"sender": "xxx", "recipient": "yyy", "amount": 0.5}
- Content-Type: application/json