
CF Deep Dive Community Workshop Kit (based on UberConf 2014 Workshop)

CF Community Workshop Kit

This is a WIP attempt to package the Cloud Foundry Deep Dive workshop that I delivered at UberConf 2014 into a reusable form for local CF community events hosted by CF Platform Engineers and other Pivotal staff.

Workshop Flow

The workshop was originally delivered on the last day of the UberConf show. That day is broken into four 90-minute sessions, with two 15-minute coffee breaks and a lunch break of 1 hour 15 minutes.

So a strawman schedule would look like the following:

8:00 - 9:00 AM


9:00 - 10:30 AM

Session #1

10:30 - 10:45 AM

Morning Break

10:45 - 12:15 PM

Session #2

12:15 - 1:30 PM


1:30 - 3:00 PM

Session #3

3:00 - 3:15 PM

Afternoon Break

3:15 - 4:45 PM

Session #4

The sessions are as follows:

  1. The Developer Experience

    This workshop introduces the business why'' of Cloud Foundry with a nod to Microservices architectures. It then takes the developer through a hands-on day in the life'' experience of interacting with Pivotal Web Services:

    Target My Cloud Foundry Provider

    walkthrough of PWS registration, download CF CLI, target/login.

    Push My App

    push the Spring Music application, high-level talk through of app push/stage/deploy.

    Bind My App to Backing Services

    bind Spring Music to an ElephantSQL PostgreSQL database, high-level talk through of service creation/binding, explain VCAP_SERVICES, point to Spring Cloud.

    Scale My App

    push cf-scale-boot application, scale up, scale down, high-level talk through of dynamic routing.

    Monitor My App’s Logs

    tail cf-scale-boot logs, high-level discussion of loggregator.

    Monitor My App’s Health

    hit the ``kill switch'' in cf-scale-boot, watch the events in the logs, show cf events, watch the app restart, high-level talk through of health manager.

    Monitor My App’s Performance

    bind to New Relic service, re-push application, high-level discussion of NR agent fetching via BP, poke around in NR interface.

  2. Architecture and Operations

    The primary goals of this session are to:

    • Get bosh-lite deployed for the student. This makes ``deploying your own CF'' real for them, and also gives them an admin environment for later labs.

    • While BOSH and CF are deploying, do a deep dive into the CF architecture via animated slides illustrating push, stage, deploy, scale, and health management.

    • Also do a brief dive into BOSH, including why BOSH, what it is, and animations of how it works. It’s not an operations focused workshop, so we keep the treatment light.

    • Quickly prove that I can push an app to my own CF in the same exact way I can push an app to PWS.

  3. Enabling Continuous Delivery

    The primary goals of this session are to:

    • Give a brief, platform-agnostic overview of the why'' and what'' of Continuous Delivery. The purpose is to simply educate the student and bring everyone to the same level.

    • Explain how Cloud Foundry benefits Continuous Delivery.

    • Provide a hands-on lab experience where the student takes a Spring Boot microservice application and builds a continuous delivery pipeline for it using Jenkins, Artifactory, and Cloud Foundry. This is all done using free trial SaaS versions of the software.

  4. Custom Buildpacks and Data Services

    The primary goals of this session are to:

    • Give an overview of the extension points available to Cloud Foundry users.

    • Provide a buildpack overview with a deep focus on the Java buildpack (my target audience has been Java conferences)

    • Provide an overview of service options, from user-provided to managed services, including an overview of the V2 Service Broker API.

    • Provide two hands-on lab experiences:

      • Java Buildpack Extension

        • via customization (add a new framework component)

        • via configuration (upgrade to Java 8)

      • Service Broker Development/Management

        • deploy a service broker for ``HashMap as a Service (HaaSh).'' Register the broker, make the plan public.

        • create an instance of the HaaSh service

        • deploy a client app, bind to the service, and test it


So far this consists of:

It also references the following additional GitHub repositories (most of which are housed under the cf-platform-eng organization, but there are a few exceptions):


  • Ensure that no special fonts appear in Keynote decks. If they do, vectorize into images.

  • Determine license for the content. I would like to use CC BY-SA 4.0, but some of the slides in the decks are derivatives of slides from decks carrying the Pivotal copyright.

  • Find a more ``proper'' example app repo to use for the continuous delivery lab. Probably this, but will require a couple of small modifications.

  • Remove ``UberConf'' specific references throughout content.

  • Put some tests (e.g. https://code.google.com/p/rest-assured) in place for haash-broker.

  • Add a smoke test'' and promotion'' step to the continuous delivery lab.