
Setup is to setup APT packages and os stuff

ì sets symlinks

Run to install packages and configure NVIM. Then open a new terminal and install Oh-My-ZSH.

Vim shortcuts

Keys Descrition
h,j,k,l Left, Down, Up, Right
a Append mode
i Insert mode
W,e,b move word forwad, end of word and back word
Ctrl+w l Switch to right buffer
Ctrl+w h Switch to left buffer
2x Ctrl+w Toggle buffer
Ctrl+j/k Delete line below or above (CUSTOM)
Alt+j/k Insert line below or above (CUSTOM)
Ctrl+o Go back to Previous Buffer


Keys Descrition
Ctrl+n Toggle NerdTree
Enter Open child or file
m Open contxt menu, create directory or new file, move file...
r Refresh selected node
t Open in new tab
? Open Help of nerdtree


Keys Descrition
Ctrl+p Start FZF

TMUX Shortcuts

Keys Description
Ctrl+b -> PgUp Go into Scroll mode Up
q Leave Scroll Mode
Ctrl+b -> c Create a new Window
Ctrl+b -> x Kill current Window
Ctrl+b -> Switch to terminal
Ctrl+b -> d Detach current tmu session
Ctrl+b -> Arrow Keys Switch current window
Ctrl+b -> Ctrl+Arrows Change dimensions of current window
Ctrl+b -> % Split pane vertically
Ctrl+b -> " Split pane horizontally

Tmux Commands

Command Description
tmux ls List tmux sessions
tmux a Attach to last used session
tmux a -t <session name> Attach to session with name
tmux new -s <session_name> Create a new session with session_name