aks |
Feature of aks |
any |
{ "default_node_pool": { "name": "default", "node_count": 3, "vm_size": "Standard_DS2_v2" }, "dns_prefix": "cilium", "name": "cilium-cluster-tf-helm", "version": "1.27.3" } |
no |
cilium |
Feature of cilium |
any |
{ "ebpf-hostrouting": true, "hubble": true, "hubble-ui": true, "kube-proxy-replacement": true, "type": "cilium_custom", "version": "1.14.3" } |
no |
location |
Location (az group list | jq -r '.[0].location') |
string |
n/a |
yes |
resource_group_name |
Resource Group Name (az group list | jq -r '.[0].name') |
string |
n/a |
yes |
subnet_node |
Feature of subnet of node |
any |
{ "address_prefixes": [ "" ], "name": "nodesubnet" } |
no |
subnet_pod |
Feature of subnet of pod |
any |
{ "address_prefixes": [ "" ], "name": "podsubnet" } |
no |
vnet |
Feature of vnet |
any |
{ "address_space": [ "" ], "name": "cilium-tf-helm" } |
no |