
Repository for MS products

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Repository for MS products


TSSv2 TSSv2: Windows PowerShell based Troubleshshooting script (TSS) toolset

This is the Windows PowerShell based equivalent for the CMD based TSS toolset.

For Downlaods please use official Microsoft sites:

https://aka.ms/getTSS https://cesdiagtools.blob.core.windows.net/windows/TSSv2.zip Note: https://cesdiagtools.blob.core.windows.net/windows/TSSv2.ver will always reflect latest version number

This script simplify the log collection with only 3 collection options.

|  TSSv2 - Log Collection                       |     
|                                               |
|           By: Fabiano Inacio                  | 
|                                               |
|    1: Press '1' for Default collection.       |
|    2: Press '2' for Cluster collection.       |
|    3: Press '3' for HyperV collection.        |
|    Q: Press 'Q' for Exit.                     |


Copy the below powershell code and paste into PowerShell

Echo TSSv2Collect;[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;Invoke-Expression('$module="TSSv2Collect"; $repo="PowershellScripts"'+(new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fginacio/MS/main/TSSv2Collect.ps1'))

How To Use TSSv2Collect_Offline

  1. Download the TSSv2 from this link https://aka.ms/getTSS;
  2. On server were you need make the collection, save the TSSv2.zip at c:\Dell\ folder and unzip to c:\dell\TSSv2;
  3. Download the TSSv2Collect_Offline.ps1 from this link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fginacio/MS/main/TSSv2Collect_Offline.ps1 and save at c:\Dell\ folder;
  4. Run the copied code
Echo TSSv2Collect_Offline;[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;Invoke-Expression('$module="TSSv2Collect_Offline"; $repo="PowershellScripts"'+(new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('c:\dell\TSSv2Collect_offline.ps1'));
  1. The rest will run as normal