
Samla in hur folk mår via sms

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Monitoring peoples health by broadcasting the question "Hur mår du?" to all mobile phones in a specific area via sms 📲 once per day.

People can answer with just one word like good, bad, cold, fever or give a more detailed response. They can even reply with an emoji. The data that comes in would be collected to properly visualize how people in the area are feeling, and how that's developing over time. And how the course of the disease ("sjukdomsförloppet") is for many people. Anyone who replies they're sick can be asked about how they're feeling multiple times per day to get more relevant data. Depending on what you reply you'd either get a thank you for reporting (if you're feeling 👌:skin-tone-4:), or if you've mentioned fever (🤒) then you'd get a few follow up questions; do you have any other symptoms? Is there anything you'd like help with? .. if they reply yes, then send them information about all the existing ways/initiatives where they can ask for help (the solution could be developed to ask a few other people in the same area that replied 👌:skin-tone-4: that day, if they're willing to help someone out who lives nearby and is sick today. People that don't wish to be tracked can simply not reply, or clearly answer "stop asking me", and we wouldn't as again.


I would be happy to provide data about how I'm feeling, if it was easy to do. I've been sick myself and I'm guessing it was Corona because of the symptoms, and I lacked an easy way to report this and to keep track of the "course of the disease" (sjukdomsförloppet).


  • landingpage
  • create a demo
    • setup a number
    • setup different flows of what happens next depending on what the reply is
    • log incoming responses


  • Insamling kan ske via fler källor än sms på sikt. Ex. App -> då kan du trycka på stiliga ikoner, tillåta GPS-koordinater, användaren behöver knappt skriva något bara “samma som igår”. Men då kan det bli klurigare hur en ska identifieras men samtidigt kunna vara anonym
  • Vi hade varit bättre förberedda om det varit krig än det här?! Helt galet.