
work in progress. distributed, collaborative dataset sharing

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A dataset collaboration network built on top of CouchDB. Developed as a free software @codeforamerica project for the City of Boston by @maxogden

Very much a work in progress as of Fall 2011!


  • Free public dataset hosting
  • Dataset forking
  • JSON and CSV data import and export
  • Bulk data cleanup interface based on Google Refine
  • Automatic REST JSON API powered by CouchDB
  • Real-time dataset replication and changes feed (SLEEP/syncable.org)
  • Geospatial queries
  • Data-driven HTML5 application hosting
  • Etherpad/Google docs style collaborative wiki
  • Out of the box app visualizations + templates
  • In-browser application source editor
  • Geographic point reprojection (between any EPSG definitions)

Roadmap (fork and help out please!)

  • Data catalog functionality (search, categories)
  • UI for rolling back through different dataset revisions
  • Dataset pull requests and merging interface
  • XML, XLS and other import/export options
  • Additional bulk data editing helper functions
  • Integration with BuzzData/CKAN/Infochimps (by convincing them to make better APIs)


This will walk you through getting datacouch dev environment running on your local machine. Please note that datacouch makes extensive use of CouchDB rewrites and vhosts so there is a bit of configuration that needs to happen during the install.

Requirements: node.js ~0.4.8 and CouchDB >= 1.1

get Couch and set up an admin user account

go to the _users db in Futon and set the Security settings Member Roles to ["_admin"]. This will make it so that only admins can view _users documents because Datacouch uses them to store private tokens and other things that shouldn't be shared publicly.

_users db security settings

create these databases:

// the main database. each document inside it will correspond to a user's dataset or app
// and will contain metadata such as # docs, if it was forked, etc

// user profile documents will be stored here

// unique visits to each dataset will be logged here

couch databases

setup the Couch configuration like so:

httpd, allow_jsonp, true
httpd, secure_rewrites, false
vhosts, datacouch.dev, /datacouch/_design/datacouch/_rewrite
httpd_global_handlers, _smalldata, {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"http://localhost:12345">>}

couch configuration from futon

add or edit the following line to/in your /etc/hosts file	localhost couchdb.dev

install node.js v0.4.8 and npm

// install node
git clone clone git://github.com/joyent/node.git
cd node/
git checkout v0.4.8
./configure && make && make install
// then install npm
curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

install the required npm modules

cd datacouch/
npm install (this installs the deps defined in `/package.json`)
npm install couchapp -g (this installs the `couchapp` binary command globally)
npm install forever -g (a node process manager similar to god or monit)

deploy the various couchapps to your Couch. these mostly set database permissions and adds database views:

couchapp push app.js http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/datacouch
couchapp push users.js http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/datacouch-users
couchapp push analytics.js http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/datacouch-analytics

go to dev.twitter.com and make an app and then add some environment variables to your .bashrc/.bash_profile:

export DATACOUCH_ROOT="http://admin:pass@localhost:5984"
export DATACOUCH_NONADMIN_ROOT="http://localhost:5984"
export DATACOUCH_VHOST="couchdb.dev:5984"
export DATACOUCH_TWITTER_KEY="KEY FROM https://dev.twitter.com/ HERE"
export DATACOUCH_TWITTER_SECRET="SECRET FROM https://dev.twitter.com/ HERE"

to setup the real-time wiki tab you need to do the following:

cd processors/sharejs
node setup_couch.js

to support geometry reprojections you'll need to replicate the following database to your couch:

curl -X POST http://admin:admin@localhost:5984/_replicate -d '{"target":"http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/datacouch","source":"http://max.ic.ht/epsg", "create_target": true}' -H "Content-type: application/json"

start the various node async processes. these should always be running somewhere. think of them like async job workers. you will want to run 'npm install' from each processors directory to install the various dependencies. then to launch all the node processors:

chmod +x launch.sh && ./launch.sh

now you can open datacouch!

open http://datacouch.dev:5984

to log in without twitter during development, uncomment the line in /app.js that contains /fakelogin and then couchapp push app.js into /datacouch again to enable 'fake' login. you can then visit http://datacouch.dev:5984/fakelogin to log in using the dummy twitter data from mock_response.json. make sure to never enable the /fakelogin route in production!