
Greenhouse Gases (ghg) CO₂

Contains four csv files that show mole fractions of atmospheric carbon dioxide (XCO2). For more information on this dataset see: The data in the csv files is provided in yearly and monthly resolution, on a global scale and restricted to European countries.

Sea Surface Temperature (sst)

Contains four csv files: One with monthly means of global sea surface temperature, one with yearly means. The data is given in Celsius. For more information on this dataset see:

Land Surface Temperature (lst)

Contains files for global capital cities with maximum and 95th percentile LST per year. The data is given in °C. For more information on this dataset see: The data in the csv files is provided in yearly resolution, plus a legend file for identification of the cities.

Land Cover 1 (lc-1)

Yearly Land Cover Composition km² of a certain land cover class defined based on the UN Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). The data is given in km². For more information on this dataset see: The data in the csv files is provided in yearly resolution, on a global scale and one file per country. A file for Europe as a whole is also contained in this repository.

Land Cover 2 (lc-2)

This folder contains two files: rainforest_regions.csv and urban_regions.csv. rainforest_regions.csv lists the change in rainforest cover (measured in km²) with respect to the reference value from 1992 for Brazil and the Australian state Victoria. urban_regions.csv lists the change in urban areas in the same way, just also for the cities of Mogadishu, Guangzhou, and Lagos. For more information on this dataset see:


Contains several geojson files derived from Glacier Monitoring in Switzerland (GLAMOS) database. as well as ESA-CCI Glaciers team.

Arctic Sea Ice Extent

CSV file of late summer (September) sea-ice extent given in million km² in the Arctic as measured by satellites from 1979-2022.


CSV file of area and count of lakes, monitored by satellites. File has been processed using script available here