
Some method invoking util method, especially for rpc call.


Annotation based java method retry util, especially for rpc call.


// fully config example
    value = 3 // method level max retry time config
    , breakOn = {NullPointException.class} // exception to exit invoking
    , continueOn = {InvalidClassException.class} // exception to continue retry
                                                 // , if this is configured
                                                 // , only matching exception will continue retry process
                                                 // , otherwise retry process will exit
public void call() {


// simple one (which will use source level max retry time with no @code{breakOn} and no @code{continueOn}):
public void call2() {


Enabled apect proxy by:


<bean id="retryAspect" class="com.littlesorry.rpc.util.retry.RetryAspect">
  <property name="defaultRetryTimes" value="3" /> <!-- source level max retry time config -->