A series of scripts for performing sort operations on musical phrases to create musical works. The name "Sorting Phase" is in reference to Steve Reich's Phase Musics.
Extending Steve Reich's concept of "Phases" (which were themselves an extension of canons and fugues), sorting phase is an example of music as an expression of a process. It is an exploration on the procedural underpinnings of sorting algorithms realized as a means of iteration of a musical theme or phrase. This repository is a collection of tools I've created to explore the potential of compositional technique.
These scripts utilize Reapers Scripting API (Reascript) to facilitate the manipulation of midi items in reaper. Soon I will include descriptions and explanations of each script and how it is designed to be used in the Reaper environment. Someday I'd like to create a standalone app for editing midi files and/or an Ableton Live 10/ Max For Live Object version of these tools. First things first: Reascript is great and robust and it is what I know.