

Primary LanguagePython

This is a script that download the cover image of h.acfun.tv

直接下载图包 images.zip


Screen shot



encode('latin1').decode('utf8') 这个做法是正确的。

requests最近的一次提交修正了这个问题 (https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/pull/2655/commits)

然而现在的问题是, 某些情况下location中的url时不完整的, 特点是都已\x85结尾, 而且我花了一个下午成功重现过一次, 里面包含有两个-

现在的问题是, url缺失是requests的锅还是httplib的锅。


依赖fix_headers_parse (https://github.com/littlezz/fix-headers-parse), 编码问题得到了解决, 详细的细节也在那里进行了说明。

Damn it! (好吧, 不是A岛的锅, 后面的东西留在这里当做是黑历史吧)

Firstly, i lost my chinese input method and my english is not pretty good, but i still want to fxck the man who does not use 'utf8'!
it waste me more than 4 hours to know the url is encoded by 'gbk' instead of 'utf8'! Damn it!
At first, i can not acess the url, i guess that i do not have cookies or not set up the correct headers, then i try change the headers,but it doesn't work, i always got the 404 error. It took me 1 hour to fight with the headers.
Later, I realize that the url encoding is wrong! And then , i spent 3 hours to find out we should use 'gbk' and how to turn to the correct url! Damn it !
But what really make me crazy is that some url still do not work!
It cost me another 2 hours to find out some url is not encoded by 'gbk',just by the friendly utf8!!
fxxx! !!!

there is a saying:

One day i have a blade, die out the gbker!

why not use utf8?
hy not use utf8?
y not use utf8?
not use utf8?
ot use utf8?
t use utf8?
use utf8?
se utf8?
e utf8?

How to use

just run and wish the man who use 'gbk' go hell