
implementations of various sorting algos for the 6502

Primary LanguageAssemblyGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


implementations of various sorting algos for the 6502

For each sorting routine the next information is provided: its size, required amount of zero page locations, whether it uses stack or not, required amount of additional memory, the size of code for its call. All sizes are in bytes. Benchmark results are clock cycles. One clock cycle is equal to one millionth of a second for the 6502 at 1 MHz. All results were gotten using Fake 6502 v1.1 by Mike Chambers.

Quicksort depends on its stacklvl parameter, it must be more than binary logarithm of the number of elements in the sorted array. Number 26 is used as its default value (16 is enough for any case but it is slower). Total amount of stack space required may be calculated by stacklvl*N+stackint where N=6 for quick and N=4 for quick-nr (nr means no recursion), stackint is amount of stack space reserved for interrupts, it can be, for instance, 12 but this value is not used by code. If interrupts are disabled stackint may be equal to 0. You can check if your stack space is large enough before the sort invocation.

Shellsort depends on its shelltabidx parameter which is used in a normal Shellsort invocation. For the benchmarks, the value 7 has been used for 1000 element arrays, and the value 11 has been used for 30000 and 60000 element arrays.

Various kinds of filling have been used for testing and benchmarking:

  • random-1 – every byte is generated randomly by the standard C random number generator function, numbers in range 0 and 255 are generated;
  • random-2 – every byte is generated randomly by a quick and simple homebrew random number generator, numbers in range 0 and 255 are generated;
  • 2-values – every byte is generated randomly by the standard C random number generator function, only numbers 0 and 1 are generated;
  • 4-values – every 16-bit word is generated randomly by the standard C random number generator function, only numbers 0, 1, 256 and 257 are generated;
  • killer-qs-r – this sequence kills Hoare's Quicksort from its right edge;
  • killer-qs-l – this sequence kills Hoare's Quicksort from its left edge;
  • reversed – every next element is equal or lower than the previous;
  • sorted – every next element is equal or higher than the previous;
  • constant – all elements are equal.

The killer sequence generators may be taken from this file, seek for fill_for_quadratic_qsort_hoare routines. The random-2 generator is available within the same file, seek for fill_homebrew_randomly routine.

The standard C random generator (GCC) is initializared with srand(0).

Byte sorting

Routine Size ZP Stack Memory Startup
quick 261 4 170¹ 0 13
quick-nr 287 4 118² 0 13
shell 185 4 2 0 17
selection 105 6 2 0 13
insertion 111 4 2 0 13
radix8 179 0 2 512 17

¹ - stacklvl*6 + stackint + 2

² - stacklvl*4 + stackint + 2

1000 byte benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion radix8
random-1 555,533 573,426 928,279 21,849,633 20,245,928 116,245
random-2 557,566 567,794 893,363 21,842,846 15,765,505 116,245
2-values 587,216 573,720 531,092 21,800,980 9,836,172 116,281
reversed 427,334 468,606 691,077 22,518,521 39,897,511 116,245
sorted 400,348 441,467 474,679 21,795,403 68,057 116,245
constant 539,808 530,384 474,679 21,795,403 68,057 116,299

60000 byte benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion radix8
random-1 50,084,254 49,308,239 81,808,727 73,841,817,729 71,753,189,527 6,138,745
random-2 50,352,946 49,573,073 79,152,619 73,842,008,997 71,361,558,843 6,139,843
2-values 52,963,812 52,105,569 49,628,621 73,838,795,941 35,873,116,976 6,142,597
reversed 40,632,204 40,084,446 61,766,215 73,880,895,900 143,557,968,552 6,138,745
sorted 39,033,097 38,486,523 45,403,400 73,838,463,983 4,084,215 6,138,745
constant 50,732,451 50,126,291 45,403,400 73,838,463,983 4,084,215 6,142,615

Word sorting

Routine Size ZP Stack Memory Startup
quick 291 4 170¹ 0 13
quick_nr 317 4 118² 0 13
shell 203 4 2 0 17
selection 113 6 2 0 13
insertion 119 4 2 0 13

1000 word benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion
random-1 848,312 896,184 1,408,544 27,245,650 32,354,462
random-2 841,777 884,010 1,327,677 27,248,983 27,659,089
4-values 855,777 840,627 720,611 27,197,679 24,218,437
kill-qs-r 1,476,181 1,471,142 1,143,963 27,205,214 21,276,928
kill-qs-l 3,133,474 1,488,433 1,138,923 27,202,299 21,276,584
reversed 441,935 432,511 962,595 29,935,843 63,558,635
sorted 397,654 388,230 557,223 27,185,843 80,117
constant 778,093 768,669 557,223 27,185,843 80,117

30000 word benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion
random-1 33,905,181 35,185,236 69,997,690 23,864,359,057 28,620,322,004
random-2 33,733,075 34,637,090 67,518,243 23,864,371,355 28,465,154,829
4-values 36,417,230 36,003,842 31,495,601 23,861,826,868 21,361,142,593
kill-qs-r 57,628,797 57,311,659 56,228,308 23,862,054,975 19,072,438,381
kill-qs-l 102,508,779 66,819,039 56,110,358 23,861,964,819 19,072,437,332
reversed 18,405,441 18,102,385 43,534,206 26,336,469,863 57,209,527,759
sorted 17,085,610 16,782,554 26,299,394 23,861,469,863 2,404,203
constant 35,287,072 34,984,016 26,299,394 23,861,469,863 2,404,203

Check also Z80-sorting, 6809-sorting, and Benchmark Comparisons.