
JavaScript implementation of SWIM membership protocol

Primary LanguageJavaScript

swim-js Build Status

JavaScript implementation of SWIM membership protocol

##Motivation Membership management is important to distributed systems and large clusters need a decentralized protocol such as SWIM, which handles failure detection and membership dissemination in a scalable and weakly-consistent way. It can be used to implement functionalities based on membership like distributed consensus, application layer sharding, log replication, etc.

##Usage Installation

npm install swim --save
var Swim = require('swim');
var opts = {
    local: {
        host: '',
        meta: {'application': 'info'} // optional
    codec: 'msgpack', // optional
    disseminationFactor: 15, // optional
    interval: 100, // optional
    joinTimeout: 200, // optional
    pingTimeout: 20, // optional
    pingReqTimeout: 60, // optional
    pingReqGroupSize: 3, // optional
    udp: {maxDgramSize: 512} // optional
var swim = new Swim(opts);
var hostsToJoin = ['', ''];

swim.bootstrap(hostsToJoin, function onBootstrap(err) {
    if (err) {
        // error handling

    // ready

    // change on membership, e.g. new node or node died/left
    swim.on(Swim.EventType.Change, function onChange(update) {});
    // update on membership, e.g. node recovered or update on meta data
    swim.on(Swim.EventType.Update, function onUpdate(update) {});

    // shutdown

// or
// bootstrap error handling
swim.on(Swim.EventType.Error, function onError(err) {});
// bootstrap ready
swim.on(Swim.EventType.Ready, function onReady() {});

##Benchmark Benchmark convergence time under different configuration

node bench/script/convergence-time.js -h

  Usage: convergence-time [options]


    -h, --help                      output usage information
    --cycles [value]                number of cycles
    --workers [value]               number of workers
    --codec [value]                 msgpack or json
    --dissemination-factor [value]  dissemination factor
    --interval [value]              interval
    --join-timeout [value]          join timeout
    --ping-timeout [value]          ping timeout
    --ping-req-timeout [value]      ping req timeout
    --ping-req-group-size [value]   ping req group size
    --max-dgram-size [value]        max dgram size
node bench/script/convergence-time.js

- cycles 10
- workers 10
- codec msgpack
- dissemination factor 15
- interval 20 ms
- join timeout 100 ms
- ping timeout 4 ms
- ping req timeout 12 ms
- ping req group size 3
- max dgram size 512 bytes
convergence time under single node failure
histogram data:
- count 10
- min 76
- max 123
- mean 100
- median 101
- variance 308.44444444444446
- std dev 17.56258649642599
- p75 116.25
- p95 123
- p99 123


  • Documentation for API and events
  • Optional secondary protocol like periodic full sync

##License MIT