
Submission System for the D2R2 Workshop

Primary LanguageTeX

Submission for the D2R2 Workshop

Current Workshop

D2R2'23: Second International Workshop on Linked Data-driven Resilience Research 2023 co-located with the ESWC 2023

Submission Process

For Authors

In the following SUB_NUMBER refers to the number of your easychair submission.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Open a Pull request for your forked repository/branch. This will also provide you with a nice check list of things to verify befor submission.
  3. Sources
    1. Create a new directory source-management/SUB_NUMBER
    2. Add your paper sources to this directory
    3. The main tex file must be called main.tex if it does not, rename it.
  4. Metadata & agreement form
    1. Create a new directory agreement-form/SUB_NUMBER
    2. Copy the metadata.yml file from agreement-form to your directory agreement-form/SUB_NUMBER
    3. Fill metadata.yml with your data
  5. Commit everything to your forked repo
  6. Sign the form
    1. Wait until our bot tells you that the agreement form can be downloaded
    2. Download the agreement form, print, sign, scan, and add the form to your repository at agreement-form/SUB_NUMBER/agreement.pdf. IMPORTANT it must be hand signed.
    3. Commit the changes
  7. Edit the pull request message, make sure all boxes are ticked and uncomment the last line to notify us.

Editorial Process

  1. Collect Paper Metadata
  2. Collect Paper Sources
  3. Verify Paper Metadata
  4. Vol-XXX/index.html
    1. Build index.html with Metadata (see https://github.com/AKSW/ceur-jekyll-rdf)
  5. Agreement Forms (automated)
    1. Determine corresponding author to sign agreement form
    2. Generate Agreement forms
    3. Upload signed Agreement forms (to this repo)
    4. Bundle AGREEMENT submission package
  6. Paper Bundle (automated)
    1. Build papers from source
    2. Verify Papers Avoid Top errors in submissions
    3. Bundle Paper submission package
  7. Everything complete?
  8. Notify all authors to verify final submission packages (give them 1 week)
  9. Submit to CEUR

Avoid Top errors in submissions


These pieces need to be adjusted and put together, pathes do not match!

  • Generate the CEUR Vol-XXX/index.html with Jekyll RDF: https://github.com/AKSW/ceur-jekyll-rdf
  • Generate the pre-filled agreement forms with the script in agreement-form
  • Build the paper sources with the Taskfile and dockerimage in source-management
  • Build the submission archives for CEUR with the Taskfile in ceur-submission

Past Workshop(s)