
RGB-D recording

Primary LanguageSwift

iOS ARKit-Scanner App

The scanner app acquires RGB-D scans using iPhone LiDAR sensor and ARKit API, stores color, depth and IMU data on local memory and then uploads to PC for processing[Watch the video]. The whole project is built based on Displaying a Point Cloud Using Scene Depth.

Prerequisites for compilation

  • iPhone 13 pro (can work with other iPads and iPhones with LiDAR sensor but untested)
  • Xcode 14.0+
  • iOS 14.0+
  • iPadOS 14.0+


  • Open pointCloudSample.xcodeproj with Xcode
  • Attach your iOS device and authorize the development machine to build to the device
  • Build the Scanner target for your device (select "pointCloudSample" and your attached device name at the top left next to the "play" icon, and click the "play" icon)
  • Detach the device from the development machine and run the Scanner app

Data Formats

metadata (*.json):

{"scene_name":"Xiong","scene_type":"apartment","color_width":"1920","color_height":"1440","depth_width":"256","depth_height":"192","intrinsic":"[1456.2087,0.0,0.0,0.0,1456.2087,0.0,962.67816,717.8443,1.0]","exposure duration":"0.016666666666666666"}

depth (*.bin): Compressed stream of depth frames from iPhone's LiDAR. Please refer to the postprocessing code for an example of how to parse the data.

rgb (*.mp4): A sequence of RGB frames in the form of mp4.

trans (*.json): Transform of camera for each frame in the format of:


offset (*.json): Exposure offset for each frame in the format of:


imu (*.json): IMU data for each frame in the format of:


Each entry represents imu data in the order of: x rotation rate, y rotation rate, z rotation rate, x user-caused acceleration vector, y user-caused acceleration vector, z user-caused acceleration vector, x magnetic field, y magnetic field, z magnetic field, roll, pitch, yaw, x gravity vector, y gravity vector, z gravity vector.