vue3-shell is a component vuejs to provides an easy way to create a terminal on your application and then add your own philosophy by adding all the commands you want with their rendering in the output.
Navigate the history with key-up | key-down
Clean the current terminal with clear
Browse all your commands with help
npm i vue3-shell --save
import { createApp } from "vue";
import shell from 'vue3-shell'
const app = createApp(App);
export default {
data() {
return {
send_to_terminal: "",
banner: {
header: "Vue Shell",
subHeader: "Shell is power just enjoy 🔥",
helpHeader: 'Enter "help" for more information.',
emoji: {
first: "🔅",
second: "🔆",
time: 750
sign: "VueShell $",
img: {
align: "left",
link: "/mylogo.png",
width: 100,
height: 100
commands: [
{ name: "info",
desc: "Show information about this terminal",
get() {
return `<p>With ❤️ By Salah Bentayeb @halasproject.</p>`;
name: "uname",
desc: "Show the current terminal name",
get() {
return navigator.appVersion;
methods: {
prompt(value) {
if (value == "node -v") {
this.send_to_terminal = "v14.12.3";
Props | Type | Required |
banner | Object | false |
commands | Array | false |
shell_input | String | false |
Event | Type | Required |
shell_output | Any | false |
header: String,
subHeader: String,
helpHeader: String,
sign: String,
img: {
align: "left" | "right",
link: String,
width: Number,
height: Number },
emoji: {
first: "🔅",
second: "🔆",
time: Number (ms) }
{ name: String,
desc: String,
get() {
return String | HTML;
<v-shell @shell_output="prompt" :shell_input="send_to_terminal"></v-shell>
export default {
if (val == "ifconfig"){
// Do somthing ... then send the data to shell
this.send_to_terminal = data
} else {
// Else send error message in output of shell
this.send_to_terminal = `'${val}' is not recognized as an internal command or external, an executable program or a batch file`