
OpENCview project - a viewer of ENC.

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

README: OpENCview project, libS52.so installation notes and disclaimer

Sep 2004 Feb 2009 -update to GTK2, mingw Jun 2012 -update to EGL/GLES2/ARM (Android/Xoom) Apr 2018 -screenshot


OpENCview is a project to build an Open Source viewer of Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC).

This release implement basic rendering of IHO' S-52 (IHO, ECDIS PRESENTATION LIBRARY, USERS' MANUAL, Edition 3.2, March 2000, Special Publication No. 52 ANNEX A of APPENDIX 2, published by the International Hydrographic Bureau, MONACO.) Note that the current Edition of the S-52 specification of Annex A (IHO ECDIS Presentation Library) is Edition 4.0(.2) - October 2014, and is not available for free download as was Ed. 3.2 (S52/doc/pslb03_2.pdf) from IHO web site.

This software is not intended for general public but to interested party in the GIS/marine field.


OpENCview is not indented for navigational use. It cannot be used as a paper chart replacement.


See S-64 test ENC GB4X0000 at S52/test/ref_dump/GB4X0000.png


All specification used to code libS52.so are available for free from the Internet:

organization specs specs URL / Implementation URL

IHO S-52 IHO S-52 USERS' MANUAL, Ed. 3.2 www.iho.shom.fr/general/ecdis/pslb03_2.pdf Implementor: Sylvain Duclos mirror: cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsxroot/openev/contrib/S52 https://github.com/sduclos/S52.git https://framagit.org/sduclos/S52.git

IHO S-57 IHO S-57 Appendix B.1 www.iho.shom.fr/general/ecdis/20USOC.pdf Implementor: Frank Warmerdam gdal.velocet.ca/projects/s57/

OpenGIS OpenGIS OpenGIS Abstract Specification www.opengis.org/techno/specs.htm Implementor: Frank Warmerdam gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/

SGI OpenGL OpenGL Specification www.opengl.org/developers/documentation/index.html Implementor: Brian Paul www.mesa3d.org

X.Org X Window Sys. X Window System www.x.org Implementor: The XFree86 Project Inc. www.xfree86.org

NOTE: http://archive.org maintaint a backup of public IHO files



1.0 - $ cd S52

1.1 - $ make s52glx - simple testing build for X11 $ make s52gtk2 - more elaborate testing using GTK2

  --- Other Interesting Targets ---

  $ make s52eglx   - EGL/GLES2 build for X11
  $ make s52eglarm - EGL/GLES2 build for ARM for testing on Android Xoom

OLD WAY (and probably broken)

1- generate configure for openev: $ cd ../../openev $ autoconf

2- configure openev: $ ./configure --with-gdal=<your_full_path_to>/gdal
--with-ogr --with-double-geocoord --with-render-plugin

3- compile openev: $ make clean $ make

4- compile libS52: $ cd openev/contrib/S52 $ make

5- install libS52.so (as root): # make install

6- set environnement variable: $ export S57_CSV=<path_to_gdal_data_directory> $ export OGR_S57_OPTIONS=LNAM_REFS:ON,UPDATES:ON,

7- test: $ openev/openev/gvtest -ogr= -OR- $ openev/contrib/S52/test/s52... (s52.cfg will need ENC path ajusted)


Various experimental targets are available:

#all: s52glx # OGR & GLX #all: s52eglx # OGR & EGL & X11 (for testing EGL/GLES2 on Linux) #all: s52eglarm # OGR & EGL & ARM/Android (for testing EGL/GLES2 on ARM) #all: s52gv # GV (GTK) using OpenEV/libgv.so #all: s52gv2 # GV2 (GTK2) #all: s52gtk2 # OGR & GTK2 #all: s52gtk2p # profiling #all: s52qt4 # OGR & Qt4 (same as s52gtk2 but run on Qt4) #all: s52win32 # same as s52gtk2, run on wine/win32 (MinGW) #all: s52clutter # use COGL for rendering text #all: s52clutter.js # use COGL for rendering text and Javascript #all: s52gtk2gps # same as s52gtk2, used for testing with live data comming from GPSD


-DS52_USE_COGL : used to test text rendering from COGL -DS52_USE_FTGL : text rendering -DS52_USE_GLC : text rendering -DS52_USE_FREETYPE_GL : text rendering, need -DS52_USE_GLES2 -DS52_USE_LOGFILE : log every S52_* in tmp file -DS52_USE_SUPP_LINE_OVERLAP: suppress display of overlapping line (gdal/ogr need patching, see doc/ogrfeature.cpp.diff) -DS52_USE_OGR_FILECOLLECTOR: call OGR S57FileCollector() to apply S57 update -DS52_USE_DBUS : mimic S52.h -DS52_USE_SOCK : same as DBus -DS52_USE_PIPE : same as DBus, in a day -DS52_USE_GOBJECT : for introspection -DS52_USE_BACKTRACE : stack unwinding -DS52_USE_PROJ : use PROJ4 -DS52_USE_GLIB2 : use glib-2.0 -DS52_USE_OPENGL_VBO : GL VBO v1.x and up -DS52_USE_EGL : handle host window manager connection -DS52_USE_GLES2 : OpenGL ES 2.0, need -DS52_USE_EGL and -DS52_USE_OPENGL_VBO -DS52_USE_WORLD : experiment to load world shapefile (see S52.c:201) -DS52_DEBUG : internal debug info


In openev/contrib/S52 are the following files:

ChangeLog -log of code change, COYING -GPL license, Makefile -make instruction to build libS52.so, README -this file, S52.c -front end of S52 S52.h -header of S52 S52.rb -Ruby binding S52CS.c -S52 Conditional Symbology (CS) instruction S52CS.h -interface to CS, S52GL.c -OpenGL S52 renderer (GL), S52GL.h -interface to GL, S52PL.c -S52 Presentation Library parser (PL), S52PL.h -interface to PL, S52raz-3.2.rle -data: alternate rasterization rules, S52raz.s -to make a .o out of S52raz-3.2.rle S52type.h -header for S52 primitive type, S52utils.c -utilitys, S52utils.h -interface to utilitys, S57data.c -handle S57 data, S57data.h -interface to S57 data, S57gv.c -connect to OpenEV (gv) S57gv.h -interface S57ogr.c -connect to OGR data, S57ogr.h -interface TODO -jot pad for missing stuff, gvS57layer.c -plugin entree point / interface to openev (static link), gvS57layer.h -interface to plugin (for completness -useless in real life),

lib/freetype_gl/ -GL freetype rendering from Nicolas P. Rougier http://code.google.com/p/freetype-gl/

lib/tesselator/ -tesselator from Mesa3D

doc/ C1.dispCatSwitch.txt -list of objects that switch IHO layers depending on attributes obj.txt -S57 objects att.txt -S57 attributes

doc/symbol/ boylat24.dia -BOYLAT24 object construct (Dia) boylat24.png -boylat24.dia converted to PNG

doc/html/ -html doc of S52.h using https://github.com/GNOME/introspection-doc-generator

test/ Makefile -build test harness for target REAME -notes for test s52glx.c -harness for X s52gv.c -harness for GV s52gtk2.c -harness for GTK2 s52gtk2.rb -same thing but in Ruby s52.cfg -local configuration (debug) s52egl.c -EGL harness for X and Android s52ais.c -GPSD client that feed AIS data to libS52.so sl4agps.c -UI/GPS/Gyro from Android via SL4A (RPC Bridge to Android)


-OpenEV2 (front end - facultative),

-GDAL (S57) (tip: use 'export CPL_DEBUG=on'),

-PROJ4 (projection),

-lcms (color management system),

-A Presentation Library .DAI file his also required for symbolizing S57. As of this writing the current Official Presentation Library is Edition 4.2, and is available directly from the IHB (International Hydrographic Bureau) at info@ihb.mc. In the absence of an Official IHO Presentation Library an alternate non-conforming ECDIS library is used (S52raz-3.2.rle.)


Frank Warmerdam web site has a bunch of links: http://home.gdal.org/projects/s57/index.html


Frank Warmerdam (warmerdam at pobox dot com) OpenEV/GDAL/OGR/S-57. Christian Gebauer Tveen (cgt at navicon dot dk) GV/OGR split. Vitaly Oganesyan (8vito8 at rambler ru) test GTK3 & radar code path chenzunfeng at qq com, numerous bug fix about CS



Comment / inquiry are welcome,

Sylvain Duclos sduclos@users.sf.net