
Docker image to run Satis with Satisfy

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker Satis

Build Status Docker Stars ImageLayers Size Docker Pulls ImageLayers Layers

A docker image and configuration to run Satis very easily in seconds:


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • make

The default config file for satis looks like this:

    "name": "My Private Repo",
    "homepage": "https://satis.domain.tld",
    "repositories": [

Service management

  • Start
make start
  • Stop
make stop
  • Remove
make remove
  • Status
make state

Satis/Satisfy access

Default credentials are : admin / foo as you can see in this config file. You will also find instructions to change or add credentials in this section of the file.

Configuration override (if needed)

  • Add your own custom config.json (aka satis.json)
  • Add your own custom config.php for Satisfy
    image: ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
        - ./config.php:/app/config.php
        - ./config.json:/app/config.json

But I advise you to create your own image and Dockerfile:

FROM ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
ADD config.php /app/config.php
ADD config.json /app/config.json

Build frequency

  • By default, building script is executed every minute thanks to the docker-compose configuration
    image: ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
        CRONTAB_FREQUENCY: "*/1 * * * *"
  • You can override this value changing the cron configuration: */5 * * * * OR */10 * * * *
  • Or you can disable cron with: CRONTAB_FREQUENCY=-1

SSH key

  • The container needs to know the ssh key you added in your private repo.
    image: ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
        - "~/.ssh/id_rsa:/var/tmp/id"

You could add the key into your own image but be careful your ssh key will be in the image (DO NOT SHARE THE IMAGE TO THE WORLD):

FROM ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
ADD SSH_PATH/.ssh/id_rsa:/var/tmp/id
  • The ssh fingerprints of private repos servers need to be added in the known_hosts file inside the container that's why we specify the URL through ENV variable.

You can now add the ssh port of your server yourownserver.com:54322 and it supports rsa and dsa keys

    image: ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
        PRIVATE_REPO_DOMAIN_LIST: bitbucket.org gitlab.com github.com yourownserver.com:54322

Composer cache

Cache should be shared with the host to be reused when you restart the container, for better performance.

    image: ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
        - "/var/tmp/composer:/root/.composer"


If you want to build on port 8888 and access the interface on port 5000 :

    image: ypereirareis/docker-satis:4.2
        - 8888:3000
        - 5000:80

Outside world

If you want to give access satis to the outside world, you should use a reverse proxy.

Below is a working setup for NGINX:

server {
    server_name satis.domain.tld;

    location / {

