
Simple jQuery plugin to show visual feedback when loading data or any action that would take time

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple jQuery plugin to show visual feedback when loading data or any action that would take time

Full documentation and examples here

Quick start

Basic use:

$( "selector" ).isLoading();


$( "selector" ).isLoading( "hide" );

Add a text in the loader and change the location

$( "selector" ).isLoading({ text: "Loading", position: "inside" });

Add a text in the loader and disable some extra elements

$( "selector" ).isLoading({
    text:       "Loading", 
    disableOthers: [
        $( "#load-in-div .btn" )

Use overlay:

$.isLoading({ text: "Loading" });

Use overlay on element:

$( "selector" ).isLoading({
    text:       "Loading",
    position:   "overlay"

Default options:

defaults = {
    'position': "right",        // right | inside | overlay
    'text': "",                 // Text to display next to the loader
    'class': "icon-refresh",    // loader CSS class
    'tpl': '<span class="isloading-wrapper %wrapper%">%text%<i class="%class% icon-spin"></i></span>',
    'disableSource': true,      // true | false
    'disableOthers': []