
Collect awesome best papers from top AI conferences.

Awesome Best Papers

本项目收集了各大顶会的最佳论文(自 2013 年起)。所有的数据都是手工输入的,所以 如果你发现有任何错误,欢迎开个 issue 提醒我。你也可以通过 创建 pull requests 的方式参与到这个项目中来。项目中的部分数据参考了 Jeff Huang 的网站,他收集了自 1996 年起计算机科学领域部分顶会的最佳论文,如果你感兴趣,也可以访问他的网站

This repo collects best papers from various top conferences (since 2013). All the data are collected and entered by hand, so feel free to open an issue if you find anything wrong. You can also contribute to this repo by creating pull requests. Part of the data is collected by Jeff Huang. If you are interested in more best papers in computer science (since 1996), you can visit his website.

Table of Content


This repo is writen in Markdown. Each entry follows the following format.

| Year | Paper |
| :-:  |  :-   |
| 2020 | **[Paper title](Link to pdf)**<br>AuthorName (Organization); AuthorName (Organization) |

When multiple best papers are available:

| Year | Paper |
| :-:  |  :-   |
| 2020 | 1. **[Paper title](Link to pdf)**<br>AuthorName (Organization); AuthorName (Organization)<br>2. **[Paper title](Link to pdf)**<br>AuthorName (Organization); AuthorName (Organization) |


The full list of AAAI outstanding papers (including best student papers and their Honorable Mentions) is presented on this website.

Year Paper
2020 WinoGrande: An Adversarial Winograd Schema Challenge at Scale
Keisuke Sakaguchi (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence); Ronan Le Bras (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence); Chandra Bhagavatula (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence); Yejin Choi (University of Washington)
2019 How to Combine Tree-Search Methods in Reinforcement Learning
Yonathan Efroni (Technion); Gal Dala (Technion); Bruno Scherrer (INRIA); Shie Mannor (Technion)
2018 Memory-Augmented Monte Carlo Tree Search
Chenjun Xiao (University of Alberta); Jincheng Mei (University of Alberta); Martin Müller (University of Alberta)
2017 Label-Free Supervision of Neural Networks with Physics and Domain Knowledge
Russell Stewart (Stanford University); Stefano Ermon (Stanford University)
2016 Bidirectional Search That Is Guaranteed to Meet in the Middle
Robert C. Holte (University of Alberta); Ariel Felner (Ben-Gurion University); Guni Sharon (Ben-Gurion University); Nathan R. Sturtevant (University of Denver)
2015 From Non-Negative to General Operator Cost Partitioning
Florian Pommerening (University of Basel); Malte Helmert (University of Basel); Gabriele Röger (University of Basel); Jendrik Seipp (University of Basel)
2014 Recovering from Selection Bias in Causal and Statistical Inference
Elias Bareinboim (UCLA); Jin Tian (Iowa State University); Judea Pearl (UCLA)
2013 1. HC-Search: Learning Heuristics and Cost Functions for Structured Prediction
Janardhan Rao Doppa (Oregon State University); Alan Fern (Oregon State University); Prasad Tadepalli (Oregon State University)
2. SMILe: Shuffled Multiple-Instance Learning
Gary Doran (Case Western Reserve University); Soumya Ray (Case Western Reserve University)


IJCAI Distinguished papers.

Year Paper
2019 Boosting for Comparison-Based Learning
Michaël Perrot (Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems); Ulrike von Luxburg (University of Tubingen)
2018 1. Reasoning about Consensus when Opinions Diffuse through Majority Dynamics
Vincenzo Auletta (University of Salerno); Diodato Ferraioli (University of Salerno); Gianluigi Greco (University of Calabria)
2. SentiGAN: Generating Sentimental Texts via Mixture Adversarial Networks
Ke Wang (Peking University); Xiaojun Wan (Peking University)
3. From Conjunctive Queries to Instance Queries in Ontology-Mediated Querying
Cristina Feier (University of Bremen); Carsten Lutz (University of Bremen); Frank Wolte (University of Liverpool)
4. What game are we playing? End-to-end learning in normal and extensive form games
Chun Kai Ling (Carnegie Mellon University); Fei Fang (Carnegie Mellon University); J. Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University)
5. Commonsense Knowledge Aware Conversation Generation with Graph Attention
Hao Zhou (Tsinghua University); Tom Young (Beijing Institute of Technology); Minlie Huang (Tsinghua University); Haizhou Zhao, Sogou Inc.; Jingfang Xu, Sogou Inc.; Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua University)
6. R-SVM+: Robust Learning with Privileged Information
Xue Li (Wuhan University); Bo Du (Wuhan University); Chang Xu (University of Sydney); Yipeng Zhang (Wuhan University); Lefei Zhang (Wuhan University); Dacheng Tao (University of Sydney)
7. A Degeneracy Framework for Graph Similarity
Giannis Nikolentzos, École Polytechnique; Polykarpos Meladianos (Athens University of Economics and Business); Stratis Limnios, École Polytechnique; Michalis Vazirgiannis (École Polytechnique)
2017 Foundations of Declarative Data Analysis Using Limit Datalog Programs
Mark Kaminski (University of Oxford); Bernardo Cuenca Grau (University of Oxford); Egor V. Kostylev (University of Oxford); Boris Motik (University of Oxford); Ian Horrocks (University of Oxford)
2016 Hierarchical Finite State Controllers for Generalized Planning
Javier Segovia (Universitat Pompeu Fabra); Sergio Jiménez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra); Anders Jonsson (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
2015 1. Bayesian Active Learning for Posterior Estimation
Kirthevasan Kandasamy (Carnegie Mellon University); Jeff Schneider (Carnegie Mellon University); Barnabas Poczos (Carnegie Mellon University)
2. Recursive Decomposition for Nonconvex Optimization
Abram L. Friesen (University of Washington); Pedro Domingos (University of Washington)
2013 1. Bayesian Optimization in High Dimensions via Random Embeddings
Ziyu Wang (University of British Columbia); Masrour Zoghi (University of Amsterdam); Frank Hutter (Freiberg University); David Matheson (University of British Columbia); Nando de Freitas (University of British Columbia)
2. Flexibility and Decoupling in the Simple Temporal Problem
Michel Wilson (Delft University of Technology); Tomas Klos (Delft University of Technology); Cees Witteveen (Delft University of Technology); Bob Huisman (Delft University of Technology)


Year Paper
2019 Distribution-Independent PAC Learning of Halfspaces with Massart Noise
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Themis Gouleakis (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
2018 1. Non-delusional Q-learning and Value-iteration
Tyler Lu; Dale Schuurmans; Craig Boutilier
2. Optimal Algorithms for Non-Smooth Distributed Optimization in Networks
Kevin Scaman ; Francis Bach ; Sebastien Bubeck ; Laurent Massoulié ; Yin Tat Lee
3. Nearly Tight Sample Complexity Bounds for Learning Mixtures of Gaussians via Sample Compression Schemes
Hassan Ashtiani ; Shai Ben-David ; Nick Harvey ; Christopher Liaw ; Abbas Mehrabian ; Yaniv Plan
4. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
Tian Qi Chen ; Yulia Rubanova ; Jesse Bettencourt ; David Duvenaud
2017 1. Safe and Nested Subgame Solving for Imperfect-Information Games
Noam Brown (Carnegie Mellon University); Tuomas Sandholm(Carnegie Mellon University)
2. Variance-based Regularization with Convex Objectives
Hongseok Namkoong (Stanford University); John Duchi (Stanford University)
3. A Linear-Time Kernel Goodness-of-Fit Test
Wittawat Jitkrittum (University College London), Wenkai Xu (University College London), Zoltan Szabo (École Polytechnique), Kenji Fukumizu (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), Arthur Gretton (University College London)
2016 Value Iteration Networks
Aviv Tamar (UC Berkeley); Yi Wu (UC Berkeley); Garrett Thomas (UC Berkeley); Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley); Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley)
2015 1. Competitive Distribution Estimation: Why is Good-Turing Good
Alon Orlitsky (UC San Diego); Ananda Suresh (UC San Diego)
2. Fast Convergence of Regularized Learning in Games
Vasilis Syrgkanis (Microsoft Research); Alekh Agarwal (Microsoft Research); Haipeng Luo (Princeton University); Robert Schapire (Microsoft Research)
2014 1. Asymmetric LSH (ALSH) for Sublinear Time Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)
Anshumali Shrivastava (Cornell University); Ping Li (Rutgers University)
2. A* Sampling
Christopher Maddison (University of Toronto); Daniel Tarlow (Microsoft Research); Tom Minka (Microsoft Research)
2013 1. A memory frontier for complex synapses
Subhaneil Lahiri (Stanford University); Surya Ganguli (Stanford University)
2. Submodular Optimization with Submodular Cover and Submodular Knapsack Constraints
Rishabh Iyer (University of Washington, Seattle); Jeff Bilmes (University of Washington, Seattle)
3. Scalable Influence Estimation in Continuous-Time Diffusion Networks
Nan Du (Georgia Tech); Le Song (Georgia Tech); Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez (MPI for Intelligent Systems); Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Tech)


ICML Outstanding Papers.

Year Paper
2020 1. On Learning Sets of Symmetric Elements
Haggai Maron (NVIDIA Research); Or Litany (Stanford University); Gal Chechik (Stanford University); Ethan Fetaya (Bar Ilan University)
2. Tuning-free Plug-and-Play Proximal Algorithm for Inverse Imaging Problems
Kaixuan Wei (Beijing Institute of Technology); Angelica I Aviles-Rivero (University of Cambridge); Jingwei Liang (University of Cambridge); Ying Fu (Beijing Institute of Technology); Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (University of Cambridge); Hua Huang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
2019 1. Challenging Common Assumptions in the Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Representations
Francesco Locatello (ETH Zurich); Stefan Bauer (MaxPlanck Institute for Intelligent Systems); Mario Lucic (Google Brain); Gunnar Rätsch (Google Brain); Sylvain Gelly (ETH Zurich); Bernhard Schölkopf (MaxPlanck Institute for Intelligent Systems); Olivier Bachem (Google Brain)
2. Rates of Convergence for Sparse Variational Gaussian Process Regression
David R. Burt (University of Cambridge); Carl Edward Rasmussen (University of Cambridge); Mark van der Wilk (PROWLER.io)
2018 1. Delayed Impact of Fair Machine Learning
Lydia T. Liu (University of California Berkeley); Sarah Dean (University of California Berkeley); Esther Rolf (University of California Berkeley); Max Simchowitz (University of California Berkeley); Moritz Hardt (University of California Berkeley)
2. Obfuscated Gradients Give a False Sense of Security: Circumventing Defenses to Adversarial Examples
Anish Athalye (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Nicholas Carlini (University of California Berkeley); David Wagner (University of California Berkeley)
2017 Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions
Pang Wei Koh (Stanford University); Percy Liang (Stanford University)
2016 1. Ensuring Rapid Mixing and Low Bias for Asynchronous Gibbs Sampling
Christopher De Sa (Stanford University); Chris Re (Stanford University); Kunle Olukotun (Stanford University)
2. Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks
Aaron Van den Oord (Google); Nal Kalchbrenner (Google); Koray Kavukcuoglu (Google)
3. Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ziyu Wang (Google); Tom Schaul (Google); Matteo Hessel (Google); Hado van Hasselt (Google); Marc Lanctot (Google); Nando de Freitas (University of Oxford)
2015 1. A Nearly-Linear Time Framework for Graph-Structured Sparsity
Chinmay Hegde (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Piotr Indyk (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Ludwig Schmid (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2. Optimal and Adaptive Algorithms for Online Boosting
Alina Beygelzimer (Yahoo! Research); Satyen Kale (Yahoo! Research); Haipeng Luo (Princeton University)
2014 Understanding the Limiting Factors of Topic Modeling via Posterior Contraction Analysis
Jian Tang (Peking University); Zhaoshi Meng (University of Michigan); XuanLong Nguyen (University of Michigan); Qiaozhu Mei (University of Michigan); Ming Zhang (Peking University)
2013 1. Vanishing Component Analysis
Roi Livni (The Hebrew University of Jerusalum); David Lehavi (Hewlett-Packard Labs); Sagi Schein (Hewlett-Packard Labs); Hila Nachlieli (Hewlett-Packard Labs); Shai Shalev Shwartz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalum); Amir Globerson (The Hebrew University of Jerusalum)
2. Fast Semidifferential-based Submodular Function Optimization
Rishabh Iyer (University of Washington); Stefanie Jegelka (University of California Berkeley); Jeff Bilmes (University of Washington)


Year Paper
2020 Open Intent Extraction from Natural Language Interactions
Nikhita Vedula (The Ohio State University); Nedim Lipka (Adobe); Pranav Maneriker (The Ohio State University); Srinivasan Parthasarathy (The Ohio State University)
2019 1. Ermes: Emoji-Powered Representation Learning for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification
Zhenpeng Chen (Peking University); Sheng Shen (University of California, Berkeley); Ziniu Hu (University of California, Berkeley); Xuan Lu (Peking University); Qiaozhu Mei (University of Michigan); Xuanzhe Liu (Peking University)
2. OUTGUARD: Detecting In-Browser Covert Cryptocurrency Mining in the Wild
Amin Kharraz (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Zane Ma (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Paul Murley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Charles Lever (Georgia Institute of Technology); Joshua Mason (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Andrew Miller (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Nikita Borisov (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Manos Antonakakis (Georgia Institute of Technology); Michael Bailey (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
2018 HighLife: Higher-arity Fact Harvesting
Patrick Ernst (Saarland Informatics Campus in Saarbrücken); Amy Siu (Saarland Informatics Campus in Saarbrücken); Gerhard Weikum (Saarland Informatics Campus in Saarbrücken)
2017 Currently missing.
2016 Social Networks Under Stress
Daniel Romero (University of Michigan); Brian Uzzi (Northwestern University); Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University)
2015 HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails on the Web
Philipp Singer (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences); Denis Helic (Graz University of Technology); Andreas Hotho, University of Würzburg; Markus Strohmaier (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
2014 Efficient Estimation for High Similarities using Odd Sketches
Michael Mitzenmacher (Harvard University); Rasmus Pagh (IT University of Copenhagen); Ninh Pham (IT University of Copenhagen)
2013 No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil (Stanford University); Robert West (Stanford University); Dan Jurafsky (Stanford University); Jure Leskovec (Stanford University); Christopher Potts (Stanford University)


KDD has two paper tracks, i.e., the Research Track and the Applied Data Science Track. I only report the best papers for the research track in this repo but the ADS track is remarkable as well.

Year Paper
2020 On Sampled Metrics for Item Recommendation
Walid Krichene (Google Research); Steffen Rendle (Google Research)
2019 Network Density of States
Kun Dong (Cornell University); Austin Benson (Cornell University); David Bindel (Cornell University)
2018 Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data
Daniel Zügner (Technical University of Munich); Amir Akbarnejad (Technical University of Munich); Stephan Günnemann (Technical University of Munich)
2017 Accelerating Innovation Through Analogy Mining
Tom Hope (Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Joel Chan (Carnegie Mellon University); Aniket Kittur (Carnegie Mellon University); Dafna Shahaf (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
2016 FRAUDAR: Bounding Graph Fraud in the Face of Camouflage
Bryan Hooi (Carnegie Mellon University); Hyun Ah Song (Carnegie Mellon University); Alex Beutel (Carnegie Mellon University); Neil Shah (Carnegie Mellon University); Kijung Shin (Carnegie Mellon University); Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Mellon University)
2015 Efficient Algorithms for Public-Private Social Networks
Flavio Chierichetti (Sapienza University of Rome); Alessandro Epasto (Brown University); Ravi Kumar (Google); Silvio Lattanzi (Google); Vahab Mirrokni (Google)
2014 Reducing the Sampling Complexity of Topic Models
Aaron Li (Carnegie Mellon University); Amr Ahmed (Google); Sujith Ravi (Google); Alexander Smola (Carnegie Mellon University)
2013 Simple and Deterministic Matrix Sketching
Edo Liberty (Yahoo! Research)


The full list of SIGIR best papers is presented on this website.

Year Paper
2020 Controlling Fairness and Bias in Dynamic Learning-to-Rank
Marco Morik (Technische Univerität Berlin); Ashudeep Singh (Cornell University); Jessica Hong (Cornell University); Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University)
2019 Variance Reduction in Gradient Exploration for Online Learning to Rank
Huazheng Wang (University of Virginia); Sonwoo Kim (University of Virginia); Eric McCord-Snook (University of Virginia); Qingyun Wu (University of Virginia); Hongning Wang (University of Virginia)
2018 Should I Follow the Crowd? A Probabilistic Analysis of the Effectiveness of Popularity in Recommender Systems
Rocío Cañamares (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Pablo Castells (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
2017 BitFunnel: Revisiting Signatures for Search
Bob Goodwin (Microsoft); Michael Hopcroft (Microsoft); Dan Luu (Microsoft); Alex Clemmer (Heptio); Mihaela Curmei (Microsoft); Sameh Elnikety (Microsoft); Yuxiong He (Microsoft)
2016 Understanding Information Need: An fMRI Study
Yashar Moshfeghi (University of Glasgow); Peter Triantafillou (University of Glasgow); Frank E. Pollick (University of Glasgow)
2015 QuickScorer: A Fast Algorithm to Rank Documents with Additive Ensembles of Regression Trees
Claudio Lucchese (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione); Franco Maria Nardini (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione); Salvatore Orlando, Università di Venezia; Raffaele Perego (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione); Nicola Tonellotto (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione); Rossano Venturini (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione)
2014 Partitioned Elias-Fano Indexes
Giuseppe Ottaviano (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione); Rossano Venturini (Università di Pisa)
2013 Beliefs and Biases in Web Search
Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research)


Year Paper
2019 AutoGRD: Model Recommendation Through Graphical Dataset Representation
Noy Cohen-Shapira (Ben Gurion University of the Negev); Lior Rokach (Ben Gurion University of the Negev); Bracha Shapira (Ben Gurion University of the Negev); Gilad Katz (Ben Gurion University of the Negev); Roman Vainshtein (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
2018 Relevance estimation with multiple information sources on search engine result pages
Junqi Zhang (Tsinghua University); Yiqun Liu (Tsinghua University); Shaoping Ma (Tsinghua University); Qi Tian (University of Texas at San Antonio)
2017 Hike: A Hybrid Human-Machine Method for Entity Alignment in Large-Scale Knowledge Bases
Yan Zhuang (Tsinghua University); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Zhuojian Zhong (Tsinghua University); Jianhua Feng (Tsinghua University)
2016 Vandalism Detection in Wikidata
Stefan Heindorf (Paderborn University); Martin Potthast (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar); Benno Stein (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar); Gregor Engels (Paderborn University)
2015 Assessing the Impact of Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Answer Passages Reranking
Kateryna Tymoshenko (University of Trento); Alessandro Moschitti (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
2014 Cross-Device Search
George Montanez (Carnegie Mellon University); Ryen White (Microsoft Research); Xiao Huang (Microsoft)
2013 Penguins in Sweaters, or Serendipitous Entity Search on User-generated Content
Ilaria Bordino (Yahoo! Research); Yelena Mejova (Yahoo! Research); Mounia Lalmas (Yahoo! Research)




Year Paper
2020 Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild
Shangzhe Wu (University of Oxford); Christian Rupprecht (University of Oxford); Andrea Vedaldi (Oxford University)
2019 A theory of Fermat Paths for Non-Line-of-Sight Shape Reconstruction
Shumian Xin (Carnegie Mellon University); Sotiris Nousias (University of Toronto); Kiriakos N. Kutulakos (University of Toronto); Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University); Srinivasa G. Narasimhan (Carnegie Mellon University); Ioannis Gkioulekas (Carnegie Mellon University)
2018 Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learning
Amir R. Zamir (Stanford University); Alexander Sax (Stanford University); William Shen (Stanford University); Leonidas Guibas (Stanford University); Jitendra Malik (University of California Berkeley); Silvio Savarese (Stanford University)
2017 1. Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
Zhuang Liu (Tsinghua University); Gao Huang (Cornell University); Laurens van der Maaten (Facebook AI Research); Kilian Q. Weinberger (Cornell University)
2. Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training
Ashish Shrivastava (Apple Inc.); Tomas Pfister (Apple Inc.); Oncel Tuzel (Apple Inc.); Josh Susskind (Apple Inc.); Wenda Wang (Apple Inc.); Russ Webb (Apple Inc.)
2016 Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
Kaiming He (Microsoft Research); Xiangyu Zhang (Microsoft Research); Shaoqing Ren (Microsoft Research); Jian Sun (Microsoft Research)
2015 DynamicFusion: Reconstruction and Tracking of Non-rigid Scenes in Real-Time
Richard A. Newcombe (University of Washington); Dieter Fox (University of Washington); Steven M. Seitz (University of Washington)
2014 What Camera Motion Reveals About Shape with Unknown BRDF
Manmohan Chandraker (NEC Labs America)
2013 Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine
Thomas Dean (Google); Mark A. Ruzon (Google); Mark Segal (Google); Jonathon Shlens (Google); Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan (Google); Jay Yagnik (Google)


The ICCV Best Paper Award is also called the Marr Prize, named after British neuroscientist David Marr.

Year Paper
2019 SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image
Tamar Rott Shaham (Israel Institute of Technology); Tomer Michaeli (Israel Institute of Technology); Tali Dekel (Google Research)
2017 Mask R-CNN
Kaiming He (Facebook AI Research); Georgia Gkioxari (Facebook AI Research); Piotr Dollar (Facebook AI Research); Ross Girshick (Facebook AI Research)
2015 Deep Neural Decision Forests
Peter Kontschieder (Microsoft Research); Madalina Fiterau (Carnegie Mellon University); Antonio Criminisi (Microsoft Research); Samuel Rota Bulò (Microsoft Research)
2013 From Large Scale Image Categorization to Entry-Level Categories
Vicente Ordonez (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Jia Deng (Stanford University); Yejin Choi (Stony Brook University); Alexander Berg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Tamara Berg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)


Year Paper
2020 Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList
Marco Tulio Ribeiro (Microsoft Research), Tongshuang Wu (University of Washington), Carlos Guestrin (University of Washington), Sameer Singh (University of Washington)
2019 Bridging the Gap between Training and Inference for Neural Machine Translation
Wen Zhang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences); Yang Feng (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences); Fandong Meng (WeChat AI); Di You (Worcester Polytechnic Institute); Qun Liu (Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab)
2018 Finding syntax in human encephalography with beam search
John Hale (Cornell University); Chris Dyer (DeepMind); Adhiguna Kuncoro (University of Oxford); Jonathan R. Brennan (University of Michigan)
2017 Probabilistic Typology: Deep Generative Models of Vowel Inventories
Ryan Cotterell (Johns Hopkins University); Jason Eisner (Johns Hopkins University)
2016 Finding Non-Arbitrary Form-Meaning Systematicity Using String-Metric Learning for Kernel Regression
E. Darío Gutiérrez (University of California Berkeley); Roger Levy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Benjamin K. Bergen (University of California San Diego)
2015 1. Improving Evaluation of Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Yvette Graham (Trinity College Dublin)
2. Learning Dynamic Feature Selection for Fast Sequential Prediction
Emma Strubell (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Luke Vilnis (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Kate Silverstein (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Andrew McCallum (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
2014 Fast and Robust Neural Network Joint Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Jacob Devlin (Raytheon BBN Technologies); Rabih Zbib (Raytheon BBN Technologies); Zhongqiang Huang (Raytheon BBN Technologies); Thomas Lamar (Raytheon BBN Technologies); Richard Schwartz (Raytheon BBN Technologies); John Makhoul (Raytheon BBN Technologies)
2013 Grounded Language Learning from Video Described with Sentences
Haonan Yu (Purdue University); Jeffrey Mark Siskind (Purdue University)