id_book v1.0.0
Simple program to manage a simple ID database utilising an RFID scanner which simulates a keyboard.
This python3 program uses PyQt5 and sqlite3.
On a Debian type system this should install dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python-sqlite2
$ ./
To save the database you MUST click the save exit button, nothing else will commit the database before closing. To update a record you should search>delete>edit>add this procedure will stop it deleteing your entire DB HOPEFULLY.
It will search for an asset folder which contains the database and any photographs. Photographs should be 256x256 and can be created with imagemagick. These needn't be in the assets folder.
To backup the database simply backup assets/address_book.db, this is all that is needed to secure your database.
$ convert input_image -resize 256x256 output_img
Where input_image is the path to a photo such as /home/ali/Pictures/webcam/photo.jpg and output_img is the new file path such as ./assets/ali_00.jpg
You can install imagemagick like so on a GNU/Debian system
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
To do
Allow for capturing webcam images and or converting them without installing imagemagick
Make a icon and default image
Change log
v 1.0.0 Also require photo path match to delete