Reachability.swift is a replacement for Apple's Reachability sample, re-written in Swift with closures.
It is compatible with iOS (8.0 - 11.0), OSX (10.9 - 10.13) and tvOS (9.0 - 11.0)
Inspired by
Keeping Reachability.swift up-to-date is a time consuming task. Making updates, reviewing pull requests, responding to issues and answering emails all take time.
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And don't forget to ★ the repo. This increases its visibility and encourages others to contribute.
Thanks Ash
If you're adding Reachability.swift using CocoaPods, note that the framework name has changed from ReachabilitySwift
to Reachability
(for consistency with Carthage)
enum NetworkStatus {
case notReachable, reachableViaWiFi, reachableViaWWAN
var currentReachabilityStatus: NetworkStatus
enum Connection {
case none, wifi, cellular
var connection: Connection
has been renamed toallowsCellularConnection
has been deprecated. Use"\(reachability.connection)"
instead. -
has been deprecated. Useconnection != .none
instead. -
has been deprecated. Useconnection == .cellular
instead. -
The notification for reachability changes has been renamed from
All closure callbacks and notification are fired on the main queue (including when
is called)
Please read before raising an issue.
Just drop the Reachability.swift file into your project. That's it!
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install Reachability.swift with CocoaPods:
Make sure CocoaPods is installed.
Update your Podfile to include the following:
use_frameworks! pod 'ReachabilitySwift'
pod install
- In your code import Reachability like so:
import Reachability
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To install Reachability.swift with Carthage:
- Install Carthage via Homebrew
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
github "ashleymills/Reachability.swift"
to your Cartfile. -
carthage update
. -
from theCarthage/Build/iOS/
directory to theLinked Frameworks and Libraries
section of your Xcode project’sGeneral
settings. -
toInput Files
of Run Script Phase for Carthage. -
In your code import Reachability like so:
import Reachability
NOTE: All closures are run on the main queue.
//declare this property where it won't go out of scope relative to your listener
let reachability = Reachability()!
reachability.whenReachable = { reachability in
if reachability.connection == .wifi {
print("Reachable via WiFi")
} else {
print("Reachable via Cellular")
reachability.whenUnreachable = { _ in
print("Not reachable")
do {
try reachability.startNotifier()
} catch {
print("Unable to start notifier")
and for stopping notifications
NOTE: All notifications are delivered on the main queue.
//declare this property where it won't go out of scope relative to your listener
let reachability = Reachability()!
//declare this inside of viewWillAppear
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(reachabilityChanged(note:)), name: .reachabilityChanged, object: reachability)
try reachability.startNotifier()
print("could not start reachability notifier")
@objc func reachabilityChanged(note: Notification) {
let reachability = note.object as! Reachability
switch reachability.connection {
case .wifi:
print("Reachable via WiFi")
case .cellular:
print("Reachable via Cellular")
case .none:
print("Network not reachable")
and for stopping notifications
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .reachabilityChanged, object: reachability)
Got a bug fix, or a new feature? Create a pull request and go for it!
If you use Reachability.swift, please let me know about your app and I'll put a link here… and tell your friends!
Cheers, Ash