BIG-IQ AS3 Template Library (schemaOverlay)

Note: For BIG-IQ 7.0.0 and above.

F5 maintains this BIG-IQ Application Services 3 Extension (AS3) template library to provide you with templates that you can either use directly or with just a few changes of your own. Use the instructions here to download these templates to your BIG-IQ system. Once downloaded, you can use these templates just as you would any other AS3 application template. AS3 templates perform on the BIG-IQ in much the same way as they do on BIG-IP. For more detail on AS3 and how it works, refer to the CloudDocs content: Using AS3 with BIG-IQ.

List of AS3 Templates (schemaOverlay)

Templates Description
AS3-F5-HTTP-lb-template-big-iq-default For load balancing an HTTP application on port 80.
AS3-F5-HTTP-lb-traffic-capture-template-big-iq-default For load balancing an HTTP application on port 80 with HTTP traffic capture.
AS3-F5-HTTPS-offload-lb-PEM-template-big-iq-default For load balancing an HTTPS application on port 443 with SSL offloading on BIG-IP and using a custom HTTP monitor (Certificate and Key in PEM format).
AS3-F5-HTTPS-offload-lb-existing-cert-template-big-iq-default For load balancing an HTTPS application on port 443 with SSL offloading on BIG-IP using existing Certificate and Key on BIG-IP.
AS3-F5-HTTPS-WAF-existing-lb-template-big-iq-default For load balancing an HTTPS application on port 443 with a Web Application Firewall policy & certificates existing on BIG-IP.
AS3-F5-HTTPS-WAF-external-url-lb-template-big-iq-default For load balancing an HTTPS application on port 443 with a Web Application Firewall (external URL) policy using an OWASP protection settings with minimum false positive (v13.1). Look for other ASM Policies Available on DevCentral
AS3-F5-TCP-lb-template-big-iq-default For load balancing a TCP-based application.
AS3-F5-FastL4-TCP-lb-template-big-iq-default For load balancing a TCP-based application with a FastL4 profile.
AS3-F5-UDP-lb-template-big-iq-default For load balancing a UDP-based application.
AS3-F5-DNS-FQDN-A-type-template-big-iq-default For global load balancing distribution of DNS name resolution requests A type.
AS3-F5-DCD-lb-ASM-request-logging-events-template-big-iq-default For ASM request logging events load balancing to BIG-IQ DCDs.

There are two methods you can use to download these templates and import then into your BIG-IQ so that you can use them.

  • If you are comfortable logging in to your BIG-IQ via SSH and executing a script, use Importing AS3 templates to your BIG-IQ using a script. This method uses an API call to access a JSON file.
  • If you are more comfortable with an application with a graphical user interface, use Importing AS3 templates to your BIG-IQ using Postman. This method uses an application named Postman to import the templates directly to your BIG-IQ.

Importing AS3 templates to your BIG-IQ using a script

  1. Open an SSH session to your BIG-IQ, and log in as an admin.

  2. From the command prompt, run the following sequence of commands. (You can copy and paste the entire sequence directly to the command line.)

cd /home/admin;
rm -rf f5-big-iq*.tar.gz f5devcentral-f5-big-iq-*;
curl -L > f5-big-iq.tar.gz;
tar -xzvf f5-big-iq.tar.gz;
cd f5devcentral-f5-big-iq-*/f5-appsvcs-templates-big-iq/default/json/;

for json in *.json; do 
curl -s -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @$json http://localhost:8100/cm/global/appsvcs-templates ;
  1. Log in to your primary BIG-IQ device and navigate to Applications > APPLICATION TEMPLATES and verify that the templates you imported are listed under AS3 Templates.


Note: Before you can use an AS3 template, it must be Published (read-only).

  1. For more information on how to use an AS3 template to deploy an AS3 Application using the BIG-IQ, see BIG-IQ documentation

Importing AS3 templates to your BIG-IQ using Postman

  1. Install the Postman application.

  2. Use the Postman Import feature to import the Postman Collection and Environment. To do this:

    1. Click the Import button.
    2. Click Import From Link.
    3. For the Postman Collection, paste in the following: and then click Import.
    4. Repeat the last 3 sub-steps, but this time paste in the following for the Postman Environment:


  1. Set your Primary BIG-IQ CM IP address in the Postman Environment. To do this:
    1. Click the Settings icon to open the Manage Environments screen.
    2. Click default-as3-f5-all-templates-big-iq.
    3. For the bigiq_mgmt variable, type the management IP address of your BIG-IQ in the CURRENT VALUE
    4. Click Update.
    5. Close the Manage Environments screen.


  1. Specify the BIG-IQ device's admin user username & passwordso that Postman can access it. To do this:

    1. Select the POST named Authenticate to BIG-IQ, as shown in the screen shot.
    2. On the Body tab, type:
    >"username": "admin",
    >"username": "admin",
    >"loginProviderName": "tmos",
    1. Save the collection.


  1. Run the Import Collection in this environment. To do this:
    1. Open the Postman Runner.
    2. For the Collection, select default-as3-f5-all-templates-big-iq.
    3. For the Environment, select default-as3-f5-all-templates-big-iq.
    4. Click Run default-as3-f5-all-templates-big-iq.


  1. When the Post Collection finishes, the result should be green status icons and 200 OK for each post.


  1. Log in to your primary BIG-IQ device and navigate to Applications > APPLICATION TEMPLATES and verify that the templates you imported are listed under AS3 Templates.


Note: Before you can use an AS3 template, it must be Published (read-only).

  1. For more information on how to use an AS3 template to deploy an AS3 Application using the BIG-IQ, see BIG-IQ documentation


Bugs and enhancements can be made by opening an issue within the GitHub repository.