
HDR recovering and tonemapping using fast local laplacian approach

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HDR recovering and tonemapping using fast local laplacian approach

HDR recovering paper http://www.pauldebevec.com/Research/HDR/debevec-siggraph97.pdf implementation http://cybertron.cg.tu-berlin.de/eitz/hdr/#downloads

Tone mapping and manipulation Local laplacian filter: paper and implementation https://people.csail.mit.edu/sparis/publi/2011/siggraph/

Fast local laplacian filter: paper and implementation http://www.di.ens.fr/~aubry/llf.html

Build HDR from brackets, and do fast local laplacian tone mapping with some adjustable varibales like alpha(decide details), beta(decide contrast), number of references. No Gaussian pyramids pregenerating for memory consideration.
