Ship simulator is made of MATLAB files that simulates the motion of waves and the motion of ships on those waves. It was developed as part of a 6-week summer project between the competence center LINK-SIC and a company.
For a quick overview of the results, see videos of a pitch test, a roll test and a corridor test.
Just clone the repository on your machine. Only official MATLAB toolboxes are used.
The demo-file for wave simulation is demoCreateWaves.m. See below how to simulate a wave of sea state 6.
%% Wave #1: Sea state 6 wave coming from bow (front)
% ------- Use wave with properties below
% Sea state: 6
% Wave type (beta): long-crested (unidirectional)
% Wave angle: 180 degrees
% Grid: 200 x100
% Time: 0:0.2:500
% Relative speed 0 m/s
wavesStruct.seaState = 6;
wavesStruct.beta = pi;
wavesStruct.xVec = linspace(0, 299, 300);
wavesStruct.yVec = linspace(0, 99, 100);
wavesStruct.Ts = 0.2;
wavesStruct.tVec = 0: wavesStruct.Ts :500;
wavesStruct.U = 0;
wavesStruct.waves = simulateWaves(wavesStruct.seaState, wavesStruct.xVec, wavesStruct.yVec, wavesStruct.beta, wavesStruct.tVec, wavesStruct.U);
wavesStruct.waveType ='long';
wavesStruct.displayName = ['Waves with properties:', '\n -Sea state:', num2str(wavesStruct.seaState), ...
'\n -Significant wave height:', num2str(getSignificantWaveHeight(wavesStruct.seaState)),'m'...
'\n -', wavesStruct.waveType ,'crested'...
'\n -Main wave direction (beta):', num2str(wavesStruct.beta),'rad', ...
'\n -xVec:', num2str(wavesStruct.xVec (1)),':', num2str (1),':', num2str(wavesStruct.xVec(end)),'m', ...
'\n -yVec:', num2str(wavesStruct.yVec (1)),':', num2str (1),':', num2str(wavesStruct.yVec(end)),'m', ...
'\n -tVec:', num2str (1),':', num2str(wavesStruct.Ts),':', num2str(wavesStruct.tVec(end)),'s', ...
'\n -U:', num2str(wavesStruct.U),'m/s', ...
See an example of multi and unidirectional seas of sea state 2 and 4.
The demo file for simulating a ship is demoSimulateShip.m. See below an example of how to simulate a ship on waves of sea state 6 created above.
%% ------- Create ship with properties below
% Ship: HMS Norfolk (hull only)
% Mass: 2.5e
% Dimensions: 137 x15x16
% Vertices initial position: [30 35 5.55]
% Reference velocity along u: 0 [m/s] (should always be 0, the ship speed is set in the wave file)
% Reference yaw: 0 degrees
% CoG offset: [ -4.77 0.022 -2]
% Position of heliPad [40 35 6]
shipStruct.file ='filteredNorfolkNew.stl';
shipStruct.M = 2.5e6;13shipStruct.len = 137;
shipStruct.width = 15;15shipStruct.height = 16;
shipStruct.verticesPos = [30 35 5.55];17shipStruct.refSpeedU = 0;
shipStruct.refYaw = 0;19shipStruct.cogOffset = [ -4.77 0.022 -2];
shipStruct.helipadPos = [40 35 6];
% [v_u v_v v_w phi th psi w_phi w_th w_psi]'
shipStruct.x0 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% Initial state values2324%% --------------- Demo #1: Sea state 6 pitch test (waves from the north)
% ------- Use wave with properties below
% Sea state: 6
% Wave type (beta): long -crested (unidirectional)
% Wave angle: 180 degrees (from the front)
% Grid: 300 x100
% Time: 0:0.2:500
% Ship speed 0
isPlot = true;
isVisual = true;
waveFile ='waves_seaState_6_long_beta_3 .14 _grid_300x100_time_0_0 .2 _500_U_0.mat';
[states , face , vert , cogVec] = simulateShip(waveFile , shipStruct , isPlot , isVisual);
A snapshot of the resulting simulation is shown below.