
Simulator of wave and ship dynamics in MATLAB.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Ship Simulator

Ship simulator is made of MATLAB files that simulates the motion of waves and the motion of ships on those waves. It was developed as part of a 6-week summer project between the competence center LINK-SIC and a company.

For a quick overview of the results, see videos of a pitch test, a roll test and a corridor test.


Just clone the repository on your machine. Only official MATLAB toolboxes are used.


Simulate waves

The demo-file for wave simulation is demoCreateWaves.m. See below how to simulate a wave of sea state 6.

%% Wave  #1:  Sea  state 6 wave  coming  from  bow (front)
% ------- Use  wave  with  properties  below
% Sea  state:          6
% Wave  type (beta): long-crested (unidirectional)
% Wave  angle:         180  degrees
% Grid:                200 x100
% Time:                0:0.2:500
% Relative  speed     0 m/s
wavesStruct.seaState = 6;
wavesStruct.beta      = pi;
wavesStruct.xVec      = linspace(0, 299, 300);
wavesStruct.yVec      = linspace(0, 99, 100);
wavesStruct.Ts         = 0.2;
wavesStruct.tVec      = 0: wavesStruct.Ts :500;
wavesStruct.U          = 0;
wavesStruct.waves = simulateWaves(wavesStruct.seaState, wavesStruct.xVec, wavesStruct.yVec, wavesStruct.beta, wavesStruct.tVec, wavesStruct.U);
wavesStruct.waveType ='long';
wavesStruct.displayName = ['Waves  with  properties:', '\n    -Sea  state:', num2str(wavesStruct.seaState), ...
                           '\n    -Significant  wave  height:', num2str(getSignificantWaveHeight(wavesStruct.seaState)),'m'...
                           '\n    -', wavesStruct.waveType ,'crested'...
                           '\n    -Main  wave  direction (beta):', num2str(wavesStruct.beta),'rad', ...
                           '\n    -xVec:', num2str(wavesStruct.xVec (1)),':', num2str (1),':', num2str(wavesStruct.xVec(end)),'m', ...
                           '\n    -yVec:', num2str(wavesStruct.yVec (1)),':', num2str (1),':', num2str(wavesStruct.yVec(end)),'m', ...
                           '\n    -tVec:', num2str (1),':', num2str(wavesStruct.Ts),':', num2str(wavesStruct.tVec(end)),'s', ...
                           '\n    -U:', num2str(wavesStruct.U),'m/s', ...

See an example of multi and unidirectional seas of sea state 2 and 4.

Image of short and long crested

Simulate ship on waves

The demo file for simulating a ship is demoSimulateShip.m. See below an example of how to simulate a ship on waves of sea state 6 created above.

%% ------- Create  ship  with  properties  below
% Ship:                            HMS  Norfolk (hull  only)
% Mass:                            2.5e
% Dimensions:                     137 x15x16
% Vertices  initial  position:   [30 35  5.55]
% Reference  velocity  along u: 0 [m/s] (should  always  be 0, the  ship  speed  is set in the  wave  file)
% Reference  yaw:                 0 degrees
% CoG  offset:                     [ -4.77  0.022  -2]
% Position  of  heliPad           [40 35 6]
shipStruct.file          ='filteredNorfolkNew.stl';
shipStruct.M             = 2.5e6;13shipStruct.len           = 137;
shipStruct.width         = 15;15shipStruct.height       = 16;
shipStruct.verticesPos = [30 35  5.55];17shipStruct.refSpeedU    = 0;
shipStruct.refYaw       = 0;19shipStruct.cogOffset    = [ -4.77  0.022  -2];
shipStruct.helipadPos   = [40 35 6];
%                  [v_u  v_v  v_w  phi th psi  w_phi  w_th  w_psi]'
shipStruct.x0 = [0     0    0   0    0   0     0     0     0]; 
% Initial  state  values2324%% --------------- Demo  #1:  Sea  state 6 pitch  test (waves  from  the  north)
% ------- Use  wave  with  properties  below
% Sea  state:          6
% Wave  type (beta): long -crested (unidirectional)
% Wave  angle:         180  degrees (from  the  front)
% Grid:                300 x100
% Time:                0:0.2:500
% Ship  speed          0
isPlot = true;
isVisual = true;
waveFile ='waves_seaState_6_long_beta_3 .14 _grid_300x100_time_0_0 .2 _500_U_0.mat';
[states , face , vert , cogVec] = simulateShip(waveFile , shipStruct , isPlot , isVisual);

A snapshot of the resulting simulation is shown below.

Ship simulation
