
Code craft 2016

Primary LanguageC++


Trevize, an algorithm for Codecraft 2016

Trevize, 2016 华为软件精英挑战赛(HUAWEI Code Craft 2016) 的参赛算法仓库.

Author: Organization Laboratory

License: MIT

Repository structure

  • submission/: main algorithm 主算法
  • trevize: python algorithm prototype 测试算法(Python)
  • gaia/: test framework 判卷和批量测试框架
  • hubble/: facilities 辅助脚本
  • wiki/: 一些比赛相关资源

Main algorithm

V'-zip algorithm then a depth-first search with balanced time control.

基于必经点的压缩算法把原图转化为以所有必经点和 s, t 构成的稠密图; 再用深度优先搜索寻路.

具体 i/o 参见 wiki 或 http://codecraft.huawei.com/home/detail


IP-trevize, integer programming-based algorithms

trevize/ip-trevize.py and trevize/p2-ip-trevize.py

基于整数规划和求解器的算法, 可给出 phase 1 and phase 2 的最优解.

具体算法主要参考文献 (andrade 2013 and RNDM 2015)

Elementary shortest-paths visiting a given set of nodes, by Rafael Castro de Andrade

Protected shortest path visiting specified nodes, by Teresa Gomes, Sofia Marques, Lucia Martins, Marta Pascoal and David Tipper

Gaia, the testing framework

$python gaia/gaia2.py cases_folder algorithm1 [algorithm2-n]

可批量对多个算法进行 Benchmark, 并输出结果.

测试文件夹会输出到 cases_folder/Gaia_timestamp/ 下.

建议使用方法: 把想测的 cases 都放在 test/ 下面, 然后运行 Gaia. (可避免 Git 跟踪这些文件)

注意: 目前的版本只能识别 topo.csvdemand.csv, 如果 case 文件名不对需要调整.

log.txt 中按照 csv format 输出 log:

algorithm, case, time, result, dup_edges, sum_weight

Columbus, the judge

Columbus: answer checker for Trevize.

python hubble/columbus2.py topo.csv demand.csv answer.csv

Columbus: 检查结果是否正确. 给出适当的输出

  • input
    • python columbus.py topo.csv demand.csv answer.csv
    • topo: topo.csv, contains graph
    • demand: demand.csv, contains s, t, v1(V')
    • answer: answer.csv, contains answer
  • process
    • check answer (only for cases that has valid answer?)
    • check answer set (duplicate of vertex in path)
    • check vertices in V'
    • check path start and end
  • output
    • print to stdout
    • return answer json string (as output module in test framework Gaia)
      • format: "[AC/WA, length/WA reason]"