
Collection of Python analysis and visualization codes for CGE models and related data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Collection of Python analysis and visualization codes for CGE models and related data

Interactive maps of China

The notebooks in the demo/ directory allow you to map data that is:

  • by province
  • by province & time

onto an existing province map of China.

The plotting is done using Bokeh


Download a copy of cge-tools


Run the following command:

$ pip install --user --editable .
$ conda TODO

Python environment

If you are using the anaconda distribution of python (http://continuum.io/downloads) it should contain Bokeh & IPython notebook already and these notebooks should just work.

If you are not, you will need to install bokeh (Note that Bokeh v0.10+ is expected), and its dependencies, via conda or pip:

$ pip install bokeh "ipython[notebook]" pandas
$ conda install bokeh ipython-notebook pandas

To use hdf, install pytables:

$ conda install pandas pytables