Tradeshift Third-party App Demo

This is a demo app for demostrating how third-party app developer can use Tradeshift OAuth2 and API plateform to build a simplest web server application. This demo app is written in Node.js.

For the details of building an app upon Tradeshift platform, please refer to

If you have already had a Developer role in Tradeshift platform, to run this demo app:

  1. Modify manifest/manifest.json

    • make sure the vendor_id is the same vendor id that you use in Tradeshift developer account
    • a valid version number must match pattern: ^(d+)(.d+)?(.d+)?(-[0-9a-zA-Z]*)?$
    • app_id should match pattern: ([a-z][a-z0-9]+)
    • externalurl should always be true
    • app/main is the URL of your app's main entry address which will also be embedded Tradeshift's iframe window
    • app/redirect_uri is the OAuth2 login redirect URI which will retrieve the authorization code from Tradeshift once user logins successfually
    • capabilities/access represents the access rights required by this app, and will be present to user for authorization during app activation phase
      • Avaiblable access permissions are openidconnect, group_view, group_edit, document_view, document_create, document_send, document_delete, document_tag, network_view, network_create, network_delete, validation_view, validation_create, validation_delete, campaign_view, campaign_edit, user_add, job_view, job_edit, xsite_signup, UpdateCompanyProfile, UpdateUserProfile, AccessConversation, AddComment, UpdateConversationState, UpdateAttachment, UpdateRootDocument, Impersonate, Share.
      • openidconnect should always be present
  2. Upload manifest/manifest.json through Tradeshift Third-party app uploader page, please refer to for details

  3. Modify config.js file, change tradeshiftEndpoint to exact information that Tradeshift provides to you (Tradeshift test sandbox or production endpoint address), thirdPartyEndpoint should be the address where you deploy this demo app, make sure this is a public internet address for accessing from outside if you want to test connection from some place other than your localhost.

  4. Make sure you have installed Node.js

  5. Go to root fold of this demo app, execute command npm install for the first time you run this demo app

  6. Start demo app server by execute command bin/www

The current config setting in master branch is for demostrating an node server hosted on your local environment https://localhost:3000, which is handy setup for your first time test. If you only want a plain HTTP service instead of HTTPS, read file app.js, simply comment out relevant code snippet.