
Add-on to Tim Pope's markdown.vim to highlight using Github Flavored Markdown.

a syntax plugin that extends the Tim Pope's markdown syntax file to recognize github code blocks like:

Some code

It also colors markdownCode blocks and in-lines as String, so they are more easily differentiable in your code.

Finally, it no longer highlights multiple underscores, i.e.:



Best way - use Pathogen

If you use Pathogen, you can just clone this into your bundles

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://

Otherwise, copy the file to your syntax folder

curl -o ~/.vim/syntax/ghmarkdown.vim

Use flavored-markdown by default

Add the following autocmd to your .vimrc:

augroup markdown
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.md,*.markdown setlocal filetype=ghmarkdown
augroup END

See it in action

After installing, open up this readme, and you'll see fenced awesomeness.



Contributors to Vim-Flavored-Markdown

Vim-Flavored-Markdown author: Jeff Tratner (jtratner)

markdown.vim author: Tim Pope (tpope)

Along with all of the various contributors to markdown.vim

Thanks to @dankosaur, @knewter, and @Niggler for contributing.