Just another ChatGPT
/Bing Chat
Telegram bob, which is simple design, easy to use, extendable and fun.
Live demo, click to watch on YouTube:
- Telegram Bot (
Telegram Bot
token required) - ChatGPT (
API key required) - Bing Chat (
Bing Chat
user token required) - Speech-to-text (
Google Cloud
API key required, or your own engine) - Text-to-speech (
Google Cloud
API key required, or your own engine) - Support
mode, with multiple authenticate methods. Middleware
style workflow, easy to extend.- Realtime stream-style response, no more waiting.
- Markdown rendering for GhatGPT
- Reference rendering for Bing Chat
- Code block rendering, developers friendly.
- ESM from the ground up
Make the halbot
json config file and put it in this path ~/.halbot.json
Basic config demo:
"telegramToken": "[[Telegram Bot API Token]]",
"chatGptKey": "[[ChatGPT API Key]]"
All supported configuration fields:
// REQUIRED, string.
"telegramToken": "[[Telegram Bot API Token]]",
// OPTIONAL, string.
// One of the chatGptKey or bingToken is required.
"chatGptKey": "[[ChatGPT API Key]]",
// OPTIONAL, string.
// One of the chatGptKey or bingToken is required.
"bingToken": "[[Bing Usertoken from cookies]]",
// OPTIONAL, string.
// Set this field if you need TTS/STT features.
"googleApiKey": "[[Google Cloud API Key]]",
// OPTIONAL, undefined || array of string.
// To open the bot to PUBLIC, DO NOT set this field;
// To restrict the bot to PRIVATE, set chat/group/channel ids in this array.
"private": ["[[CHAT_ID]]", "[[GROUP_ID]]", "[[CHANNEL_ID]]", ...],
// OPTIONAL, string.
// Set this field if you want to use a `magic word` to authenticate the bot.
"magicWord": "[[Your Magic Word here]]",
// OPTIONAL, string.
// Use a HOME GROUP to authentication users.
// Anyone in this group can access the bot.
"homeGroup": "[[GROUP_ID]]",
// OPTIONAL, array of enum string.
// Enum: 'private', 'mention', 'group', 'channel'.
// Defaule: ['private', 'mention'].
// By default, it will only reply to `private` chats and group `mention`s.
// Adding 'group' or 'channel' may cause too much disturbance.
"chatType": ["mention", "private"]
In peace-of-mind:
$ npx halbot
If you have multible AI engines configed, use '/chatgpt' or '/bing' to switch between them, or you can use '/*' to ask them all at the same time.
$ npm i halbot
import halbot from 'halbot';
const config = {
// OPTIONAL, function.
// Your own authentication logic.
// return true if the user is authenticated.
// return false if the user is not authenticated.
auth: async (ctx) => {
// ctx is the `telegraf` context object: https://telegraf.js.org/#context-class
// It has been extended: https://github.com/Leask/utilitas/blob/master/lib/bot.mjs
return true;
// OPTIONAL, object (key renderd as name) or array (name ignored).
ai: {
[[aiNameA]]: [[aiClientA]]
[[aiNameB]]: [[aiClientB]],
// OPTIONAL, object.
// Your own speech-to-text and text-to-speech engine.
speech: {
stt: [[sttClient]],
tts: [[ttsClient]],
// OPTIONAL, string.
// Path to your own middlewares.
// ./skills
// |- skill_a.mjs
// | const action = async (bot) => {
// | bot.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// | ctx.reply('42');
// | await next();
// | });
// | };
// |
// | export const { run, priority, func } = {
// | run: true,
// | priority: 100,
// | func: action,
// | };
skillPath: './skills',
await halbot(config);